Why was entire post / thread deleted?

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Why was entire post / thread deleted?


Post by MDNY102 »

Trying to understand why an entire post/thread was deleted by admin. I posted an inquiry about a specific model and got some great responses. So I went to post a "thank you" to the thread and the post was rejected. Said I broke an unwritten rule about needing to carry through ALL text of the original post in any replies. OK, strange, but understood. However, rather than just blocking that reply, the admin deleted the entire post and all replies. Why would this be done?
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Re: Why was entire post / thread deleted?


Post by TazKristi »

Hi, MDNY102:
First, welcome to our forum. We hope you'll enjoy your time with us.

You posted a thread with several questions, received numerous replies, and then you edited your original post. When you edited that post, you removed all of the original questions and thanked everyone for their replies. Unfortunately, your edit left the post without any proper context and it became confusing for anyone who didn't see the post before you edited it. What I requested from you was to, in the future, simply add another comment rather than editing your original post.

When you edited your post, it went back through moderation (something all new members go through for a period of time). We had to decline your edited post - since it removed all context for the thread - but when we declined it, it removed the post entirely.

We actually prefer to not delete threads, but in this case, we weren't left with a choice. Hopefully, this reinforces the importance of adding comments rather than editing your original post.

P.S. You posted two threads with this question. The second post will be removed as it is a duplicate. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

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Re: Why was entire post / thread deleted?


Post by MDNY102 »

OK, my misunderstanding. Typical etiquette on boards is to not carry forth huge stacks of text with each post, so I was trying to keep it concise. Evidently editing the text in my reply resulted in changing the initial post somehow.
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