Gov. Fallin Signs Knife Rights Oklahoma Knife Carry Ban Repeal Bill

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Gov. Fallin Signs Knife Rights Oklahoma Knife Carry Ban Repeal Bill


Post by critter »

Knife Rights' Oklahoma Knife Law Reform bill, SB 1159, has been signed into law by Governor Mary SB 1159 removes dagger, bowie knife, dirk knife and sword cane from the items prohibited from carry in Oklahoma, and finishes the job Knife Rights began last year with the repeal of the ban on carrying switchblade (automatic) knives and with the passage of Knife Law Preemption in Oklahoma.

Since Knife Law Preemption is already the law in Oklahoma, the revised law will be effective statewide when it takes effect on Oklahoma Knife Freedom Day, November 1, 2016.

This represents the culmination of three years of effort by Knife Rights in Oklahoma where there are no longer any restrictions on ownership and carry of knives.

Just more proof that we are the one getting it done™ for knife owners in America. Getting it done means having the perseverance to come back to a state's legislature as many times as necessary to finish the job. Expert lobbying on the ground in the legislature is what it takes and why we can now count 21 pro-knife bills passed in 15 states in six years. No other organization can make that claim.
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