single serration sharpening

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single serration sharpening


Post by dzarren »

I sure im like other knife people when I get a single flat spot or blunt portion on any edge i usually strop it till its gone. if its a plain edged knife. But i have this fully serrated delica and a 2 or 3 of the smaller serrations have become blunt inside. I think i tried to push cut something that was quite resilient. is this fixable? I've never attempted sharpening any serrations before cus all i have are water stones and this double sided spyderco stone. I love the look if the semi chisel grind on the blade and I'd love it to stay there. I'm always proud of my supreme sharpness on my plain edges, but im stuck on these few serrations. Maybe Im crazy? but i love perfect edges. Dont get me wrong the knife works fine and most of it is still beyond razor sharp, but when cutting lengths of paper i can feel it snag on a few select serrations.

thanks for any suggestions.
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Post by VashHash »

Look for the burrs and then very carefully if possible use the corner of spyderco stone to lightly pass over the burr until it goes away. I've used this trick a few times but it takes a steady hand and very little pressure. I can't stress enough you find the burr first then do this lightly to wipe it way. I use a lansky pocket sharpener that's shaped like a sharpmaker rod. they're very cheap. Under 10 at academy If they still carry it.if not the corner works just be very careful and light with your touch
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Post by TexSierra »

Get the 701 profile stones. They fit the Spyder-edges perfectly!!!
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