Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!

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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by hambone56rx »

I'm in!

Definitely my father. He isn't a veteran, but is the most selfless person I know. He thinks about others before himself. He comes running anytime I need his help.

Thanks for the awesome knife Micheae!
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by No1ukno »

I'm completely new to this forum or any other forum for that matter.
For once I actually have something to say. I'm a vet but I'm no hero. However, I've been graced to have been surrounded by hero's my whole life. I'll start with the men I served next to and those that led and taught us but most importantly are the ones who were next to me. On another level in my eyes are my grandfather,Melvin, who was a medic on Omaha beach on June 6,1944. My father,Greg, who had two tours as an infantry man in Vietnam whom I'm glad to say made it home albiet two purple hearts later.Finally,Brenda my mother who was an army nurse who also served during the Vietnam war.I
This is my first post on any site anywhere. I hope it was in good taste.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by No1ukno »

I am incredibly embarrassed that I forgot another hero who I had the privilege of knowing. I'm new to this and can not quite put all my thoughts together. I guess I should have started with an easier topic.
My cousin, Alex,a Marine who gave his life in service to our country.

Thank you for having a tribute to these fine men and women.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by BadFish »

I’m in.

Definitely thankful to all family and friends who served to make this country what it is. Stay safe
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by dcfis »

Im in! My Grandfather was a Bombardier in a B24 in the Pacific. I miss him everyday.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Dreaded »

I'm in!

Mine would be my grandfather who came to America from Germany for a better life, he joined the army and was sent back to be stationed in Germany . Kinda funny when you think about it.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by psmith27 »

I’m In!

Taught for many years at a school on Fort Carson in Colorado, had the honor of teaching and coaching many hero’s children, as well as being a force of good in their lives while the parent(s) were deployed. Learned a lot of humility there, every day we stopped practice at 4:45 when the post wide PA system played the revelry...my brother also served and I hold all those whom would make such a sacrifice in the highest regard.
I miss those days.

Thanks for such a cool giveaway.

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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Wdr65 »

I'm in.

While I have many people who I respect and admire, my grandfather was my hero. He was a Captain in the army during the battle of the Bulge. His unit was ordered to surrender after being surrounded an he spent several months as a POW. He managed to escape three different times and on the very last time he made it out. He remained in the army reserve until his retirement in the 1960's and while maintaining a business he became a strong advocate for veteran's rights, serving in some capacity or another until his health failed in the early 2000's.

He never opened up about his experiences overseas until the Christmas of 1989 when two feet of snow had fallen and the badgering of a curious 6 year old won over. I was that 6 year old who was named for him and he was named for his uncle, who died in the air over France during World War 1.

Thank you for the opportunity for the giveaway.

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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by jmh58 »

Not an entry.. Very NICE of you Michael!!! And thoughtful too!! Good Luck to all who entered!!! John
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by A.S. »

I’m in.

My Grandfather was a WWII veteran and a hero of mine. He was highly esteemed in my hometown by the honorable and moral character that he displayed. In the 1940's he started a hardware store that had a knife counter and I was fortunate to visit and dream at for years growing up. I now have a handful of his pocket knives that are worn down from years of use and sharpening. Knives have always been in the pockets and purses of my family members.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Roikyou »

I'm in.

To my dad, Navy Corpsman, served in Vietnam. To my daughters grandfather, Marine Recon in Vietnam. Both returned but were lost to cancer. To all those who served before us who are no longer with us.

To those I've served with in the Persian Gulf who were lost and those who made it back.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by GH9000 »

I'm in. And thank you so much for doing the give away. Sorry everyone, I hope I win. :p

My heroes are my co-workers who are the most caring, competent, and compassionate nurses I know. I have learned so much from them. I have learned from them both professionally and personally.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Germinalphrase »

I’m in! Thanks for such a generous offer to the community.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by SjoerdS_ »

I'm in! Thanks for the opportunity Michael!

My hero is my Art Teacher who unfortunately had to leave the Academy I'm studying at. In times of doubt he really helped me to push through and he learned me to follow my heart. He might not be as big of a war hero like I see above, but he changed my life and made me persuade my dreams instead of persuading a boring well paying job. In the end he was more of a friend than a teacher. His openness, kindness and passion is inspiring. He's definitly the best teacher I've ever had.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Mzen »

I'm in!

My maternal grandmother was definitely one of my heroes, that woman raised five children pretty much on her own, all while working hard to put food on the table during a time when being able to afford said food was a huge challenge. She never learned how to read, but was a very intelligent woman, right until the very end. I still remember when my 50 year old uncle got wasted and she threatened to kick his *** onto the street if he didn't pull himself together, wooden spoon in hand (let's keep in mind she was 91 when that happened haha). I still laugh when I remember watching that scene all those years ago.

Thank you for your generosity Michael, that's a wonderful looking blade. As a Spyderco fan who rarely has the money to afford getting new knives, I'll take any chance I can get! :^)
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Spyder_Flick »

I am in.

2 of my heroes are my grandfather and great uncle. My grandfather was a Commander in the US Navy and stationed in the Pacific during WWII.
My great uncle was also in WWII, as a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force. He was an American, but joined some of his friends from college when England and Canada went to war with Germany. He never told his parents that he was going to join until he arrived in England. As a tail Gunner his plane was shot down in the Mediterranean Sea. He was the only one that survived in his crew, as he was the only person that could swim. He was picked up by an Italian hospital ship and spent the rest of the war as a POW.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by plow_2 »

I'm in. Thanks
My grandfather's. One was in air Force after Korea, other volunteered but was denied because he was a farmer. Both were great men.
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Rhix »

I’m in.
Thank you for the nice design Michael and Spyderco for bringing it to us. I have a lot of heroes and I’m sure quite a few of them are members of this forum. Specifically the brave men and women who serve our nation, keeping up the fight for freedom. Thank you all for your service! Also my great-great-great-great grandfather who died as prisoner of war at Andersonville, captured while fighting for freedom with the 7th Tennessee Cavalry-US.
Thank you,
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by Stuart Ackerman »

I can always appreciate the sentiments for those who have left us.

Another time, another place...
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Re: Spyderco Reinhold Rhino Giveaway!!!


Post by BrianMcCord »

I'm in!

The hero that I will highlight died in combat in Baghdad, Iraq while on a dismounted reconnaissance mission. Staff Sergeant Dwayne Peter Ryan Lewis was killed in combat on 2/27/2006. He was my team leader and was an extremely selfless individual. I had the good fortune to be assigned as his assistant team leader in the 2nd Battalion 22nd Infantry Regiment scout platoon. He always said he would give his life for his team and ultimately backed up this claim without thinking twice about it.

Our battalion motto was "Deeds, Not Words", SSG Lewis lived out this motto and made his unit, family, friends and country proud. Without his sacrifice, me and three other guys would not be here.

I take any opportunity I find to tell his story, thanks!

Son's Collection: H1 Rescue Manbug, Tenacious

Rescue 79mm Orange, Cat BD-1, Effecient, Pingo Orange FRN, T-Mag, Urban K390, Lil' Native, Sliverax, Para 3 S110V, Caly 3 HAP 40, R Nishijin, Mantra, Manix 2 LW S110V, Manix 2 Black, Delica 4 Black, PM2 Digi, PM2 Black, Yojimbo 2, Native 5 LW, Dragonfly 2, Military 204P, Wolfspyder, Techno, HAP 40 Ladybug, H1 Hawkbill Ladybug, Blue Persistence, Bradley 2, UKPK SE Gin-1

Looking for an Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom Native. :spyder:
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