Facebook is the WORST!!

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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by this_is_nascar »

I use FB as a source for information only. I choose which feeds interest me and that's about it.
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by anagarika »

Don't have one, prefer not to be on it as what I need (perhaps pay a bit more) is available OFF FB.
The cost to privacy (to me) is much more than any personal gain I can get at the moment. Chuck and many here apparently share same thoughts too, and lots of good tips if one feel the need to join FB, or need to use it for commercial purpose. Can't stop the trend ...

I'm still proud not having any FB :cool:.
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by Pinetreebbs »

this_is_nascar wrote:I use FB as a source for information only. I choose which feeds interest me and that's about it.
^^^ Like :)
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by Jazz »

I even had to stop following my sister and her daughter. They whine and complain and share it with everyone. I shared my Wharnie Delica vid on the Spyderco group there, and got rude-*** negative remarks (no, I don't expect it's for everyone, but what a crowd). People are just asses on Facebook. It's an A$$ outlet.
- best wishes, Jazz.
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by awa54 »

Every one of my FB "friends" is an actual human being that I have met IRL and am really a friend with. Some of them post stupid inflammatory crap on their walls, but it's easy enough to ignore. That said, I only go on about two or three times a month, as most of the "content" is throw-away stuff that doesn't add anything to my quality of life... if I want to see a cute cat video I can always find one with Google ;)

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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by buccilli15 »

As of last Friday, I called it quits with Facebook...I will still *probably* log in once or twice a month to check in on family, but the days of logging in daily or even weekly are gone. Too much negativity and drama for me..
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by PayneTrain »

Not to take joy in your frustration my Gringo, but it's comforting. Especially in this last week since the election. I've had to make a concerted effort to stay away from the train wreck of a dumpster fire of an insane asylum that is facebook these days. The daily flow of misinformation, attention whoring, and random pictures overlayed with misspelled dogma from people I love is enough to challenge my faith in friends, family, people I admire, and humanity as a whole. Bring into it the travesty of the current political climate we're in, and I can literally feel my brain hurting after two screens worth of scrolling.

But why is it such a task to restrain myself from engaging? Simple. I'm no better than they are. It's in all of us. Facebook is the same devolution of a platform that you'll see anywhere people can express themselves differently than they normally do. We are no strangers to forums, and I bet most of us know of one or two that have gone down an awful path. It seems to me to be some weird universal law of internet induced chaos, and sometimes, as in the case of facebook, it can easily spill into reality.

I just try to remember that there are good people behind all those nasty, passive aggressive, or just plain aggressive posts. They're my friends, people I care about who don't really act that way. The internet dynamic is a strange one and it does funny things to people. But they're still people, and they were my friends usually long before they were my facebook friends, and they'll be my friends long after I unfollow them. :)

And if that fails, I just remember my dog. The **** thing eats her own bed and poops in public, but I still love her! She's the only reason I post to facebook anyway, and if I unfriended everyone who deserved it, I'd have no audience for my dog pics :(. And the occasional Star Talk repost.
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by chuck_roxas45 »

Yep, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen...
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by demoncase »

Man, you think Facebook sucks for abuse then you really need to try online gaming.... ;)
Warhammer 40000 is- basically- Lord Of The Rings on a cocktail of every drug known to man and genuine lunar dust, stuck in a blender with Alien, Mechwarrior, Dune, Starship Troopers, Fahrenheit 451 and Star Wars, bathed in blood, turned up to eleventy billion, set on fire, and catapulted off into space screaming "WAAAGH!" and waving a chainsaw sword- without the happy ending.

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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by JD Spydo »

It is indeed interesting that you bring up the subject of "Facebook". Because SURF I have never joined the FB website and I've done very little lurking there as well. To me it just looks like a high-tech, debased gossip parlor for malcontents from what I've personally observed :rolleyes: . From the get-go around 2009 or thereabout when this monster was catapulted and given birth I had a feeling deep in my gut that little or no good could come from "Facebook" which is my opinion to which I'm entitled ( I hope :rolleyes: ).

I have heard of everything from teen suicides, broken marriages, Identity thefts, and just a lot of major league back stabbing, and every other form of depravity you can imagine which takes place just a bit too often IMO :mad: . Yeah!! A back-stabber's paradise is exactly the way I view it.

The 3 knife forums, 1 straight razor forum and the 2 survival forums that I currently belong to and contribute to are for all intent and purposes my own versions of FACEBOOK ( and much better I might add) and I'm fully content and very much enjoy those playgrounds ( especially Spyderville :cool: ). Oh I'm not at all opposed to new trends or any high-tech marvels that have the potential of improving our lives but FB has never passed smell test for me personally>> and apparently I'm not the only one who sees it that way :( . Just my .02 cents worth.
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by flipe8 »

I got off it years ago after having experienced how people all became experts regarding a situation none of them had been personally involved with that I happened to have been directly involved with. Interestingly, none of the people making the comments knew they were talking about me, but a number of them were suddenly "eyewitnesses". It's the reality all of us are familiar with when discussing FB.

I did get back on recently in order to get in contact with an friend after his brother was killed in the Line of Duty(LEO), but I don't actively participate and have been thinking about getting off now that I have his contact info.
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by Surfingringo »

flipe8 wrote:I got off it years ago after having experienced how people all became experts regarding a situation none of them had been personally involved with that I happened to have been directly involved with. Interestingly, none of the people making the comments knew they were talking about me, but a number of them were suddenly "eyewitnesses". It's the reality all of us are familiar with when discussing FB.

I did get back on recently in order to get in contact with an friend after his brother was killed in the Line of Duty(LEO), but I don't actively participate and have been thinking about getting off now that I have his contact info.
Haha, yes sir, this happens a lot. Everyone is an expert on FB and they all feel it is important to share their wisdom (which they usually just obtained from a quick google search) :p
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Re: Facebook is the WORST!!


Post by flipe8 »

I just deleted my account as it's more of a headache than it's worth to me.
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