TEXAS SENATOR Playing Dirty Tricks - CALL NOW!

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TEXAS SENATOR Playing Dirty Tricks - CALL NOW!


Post by critter »

Unfortunately, Knife Rights' Comprehensive Knife Ban Repeal bill, HB 3884, that would have repealed the remaining "illegal knives" in Texas statute failed to be voted on by deadline in the Senate.

HB 3884 was passed by the House unanimously and passed out of Chairman Whitmire's Senate Criminal Justice committee unanimously, and placed on the Local and Uncontested Calendar. Then Sen. Whitmire, who sponsored HB 3884 for us in the Senate, quietly and inexplicably yanked the bill from the Local and Uncontested Calendar without notice in an apparent last-minute political spat with our primary bill sponsor having nothing to do with our bill.

We are extremely disappointed by Chairman Whitmire's disregard for his constituents in Texas who will continue to deal with Texas' irrational knife restrictions. We will be back again to get these archaic restrictions repealed in the next session (2 years), in the meantime Texas will remain far less free than their outsized reputation suggests.

On the bright side, Knife Rights' Texas Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 905, that would rid Texas of its patchwork of local knife laws more strict than state law, has passed the Senate by a vote of 31-0. It now goes to the Governor.

If you live, work or travel in Texas, please CALL and EMAIL Governor Greg Abbott and politely ask him to "please sign HB 905." That's it, keep is short and simple.

Phone: (800) 843-5789 or (512) 463-1782
Email through his contact form at: https://gov.texas.gov/contact/assistance.aspx (Select "Other" from the "Issue" dropdown menu)

Knife Law Preemption is our most important legislative effort and the foundation for ensuring all citizens enjoy any gains we make repealing knife bans. Preemption repeals and prevents local ordinances more restrictive than state law which only serve to confuse or entrap law-abiding citizens traveling within or through the state. Preemption ensures citizens can expect consistent enforcement of state knife laws everywhere in the state.

Two Texas cities made Knife Rights' 10 Worst Anti-Knife Cities in America list for 2014, San Antonio at number four and Corpus Christi at number nine. San Antonio prohibits carry of all locking-blade folding knives except on the job. There's no local restriction on fixed blade knives. In Corpus Christi it is illegal to carry any fixed blade knife or to carry a folder with a blade longer than 3-inches except when actually in use on the job.

HB 905 will repeal these local ordinances and ensure that the repeal of the Texas ban on switchblade (automatic) knives that Knife Rights passed last session will now be the law throughout Texas.

Knife Rights passed the nation's first Knife Law Preemption bill in Arizona in 2010 and has since passed preemption bills in Alaska, Georgia, Kansas, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah.

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