My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite

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My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by JestersHK »

I was working on cutting a zip tie off a pipe. Some how my grip slipped and the tip folded back and buried into my index finger.

First time in a while I cut my self. A locking blade would of likely not got me, but I still love my PITS, just need to be a little more careful and attentive when I'm hacking on zipties on non flat surfaces...

I held it closed and wrapped some paper towels real tight with some tape until I could superglue it when I got home. That point is sharp thank goodness and it was a clean stab in and out.

So what's your worse syperco mishap?
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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by squirrel »


I don't remember which knife it was back in 2010. 20 minutes in the ER, 5 stitches and a $2000+ medical bill. Cutting a tomato off the vine. Tomatoes, FYI, can be twisted off the vine, no knife required.
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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by Naperville »

The only nick that I received from a Spyderco was a Native 5 in Maxamet. Bled just a little.

I was testing the frame lock of a ZT in ZDP189 by gently pressing on the back of the blade. I mean gently, and there is no way the blade should have closed but it did and blood was all over the place. I sent it into ZT for warranty service, got it back, and sold it immediately.

Any lock can fail. And any fool can cut himself if he's not paying attention to a mechanical device with a razor sharp scalpel on one end and his hand in the path of a closing blade.
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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by remnar »


Mine isn't as bad as some that I've seen on here. I had an older UKPK out in the rain and without really thinking I gave it a quick flick to get the water off of the blade before closing it. The blade snapped closed on my middle finger. It looked much worse than it actually turned out to be.

The knife:


Oh, the humanity... :astonished


All cleaned up and not so bad:

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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by aicolainen »

My LM Squirt ES4 bit me pretty good once.
I don't remember exactly what I was doing, but it was a small and quick job involving the door to my daughters bedroom. Being such a trivial job I was set on finishing it off with the Squirt that was already in my pocket, and in the process I definitievely pushed that blade into pry-like territory. With just the pivot friction holding the blade open and no finger choil to keep it from closing, it snapped close with authority as I inadvertently applied pressure too close to the tip.
The result was a rather deep cut, but that little blade had hardly been used for anything up until that point, so the sharp, thin, chisel edged blade left a very clean cut.
I knew it wasn't safe going in, but with a fatal mix of hubris and laziness I convinced myself I could manage the risk. It was a learning experience :)
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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by Brock O Lee »

I received 4 stictches from an Elmax Mule while making a Tamboti wood handle.

I was finishing off the handle with a light sanding and oiling. The edge was not taped anymore, and I clamped the knife for a moment in a vice and turned to get more oil. When I turned back the edge of my right hand grazed over the exposed tip.


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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by JRinFL »

In order of severity:

Automatic reflex caught a Carother's knife that was slipping out of my hand. Severed a tendon in my pinky finger. Maybe a 2 or 3mm cut that required surgery to repair. The scar from the surgery is 2 inches in a zigzag down the finger so they could fish out the retracted tendon.

Testing the grip on a Griptilian, slipped and cut my index finger on the combo portion of the edge. Just deep enough to sever a nerve, but nothing else. Two stitches and it was years for the feeling to fully return in my finger tip.

Chopping out a tree root this weekend the hatchet glanced off and bit my wrist. Seven stitches for that one, but no muscle, nerve, or tendon involvement, thankfully. I thought my left arm was well out of the path of the blade, but an unlucky bounce and enough momentum equaled 3+ hours in the ER waiting to get stitched up. :spiral-eyes

No matter how safe I try to be, I end up as the bad example. My neighbor, Mr. Anti-safety points out his lack of safety has resulted in fewer injuries. :steam-nose ',:-| :grin-smiling-eyes
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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by JestersHK »

Man I feel I got off easy compared to most. Worst cut for me was an exacto knife when I was a teenager. Cut a good flap of my thumb that took forever to heal. This was my first spyder bite though probably not my last.
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Re: My PITS bit me, what's your worst bite


Post by James Y »

My worst cut wasn’t from a Spyderco knife. It was from a Cold Steel Code 4 drop point. I had to loosen the action, so I left it half-open overnight. Then, the next morning, I stupidly attempted to one-hand close it. IMO, Traid Lock knives are not designed to one-hand close. I wasn’t paying full attention, and the blade slammed shut on the back of my index finger like a Guillotine.

I remained calm and went to urgent care. The doctor was more concerned than I was. Turns out that I abraded the tendon and had to have my finger splinted for 2 months, then needed to rehab it for 2 more months. Luckily, it could have been WAY worse. I lost 4 months of work, because at the time I was a massage therapist.

This was not a lock failure. It was user error on my part. Many claim that the Triad Lock is the strongest folding knife lock. However, the danger of the Triad Lock is in the closing phase. Depending on what position the knife is being held in, if you try to one-hand close it, the blade with slam shut. And depending on the design, the edge will come right down on your finger. Unlike most Spydercos, which either have a choil or other non-sharpened part of the blade tang, or can be closed with your fingers completely out of the way. I still own that Code 4, but I’ve barely touched it since 2015.

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