another school stabbing in the news

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another school stabbing in the news


Post by mystillwater »

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Post by Jon_USA »


Some how this will result in banning knives from school property.

Oh wait that law already exists.

Too bad this happened.
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Post by Jimmy_Dean »

Darn, some more bad press for knife carry. I personnally don't think it's that bright an idea to let kids carry knives at school...but then you could argue I don't need one when I only want to go to the restaurant or do the groceries. Not good... At least this time, no one died and it doesn't sound like it was a Spyderco.
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Not the Knife!!!!


Post by JD Spydo »

No, No, No!!!! it is not the knife that is the problem. What you have here is a clear case of criminal negligence. They could have done the assualt with a claw hammer, ball bat, hatchet or even some household chemical compound to do harm to the person just as easy as they facilitated it with the knife in this incident. Forget the choice of weapon; let's focus in on the person that did this abysmal deed and find out what is in their innermost being ( heart). Stripping us of our liberties and invoking restrictive laws is not the way to prevent such heinous acts as this. Punishment for the crime committed; YES. Taking away everybodies rights; NO!! And Yes it is our
RIGHT to carry a knife not a privaledge that some bureaucrat can take away from us. Please support the "AKTI". Thank you all for agreeing with me. JD Spydo :mad: :spyder: :mad:
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Post by Jimd »

When I went to school, I always carried my trusty pocket knife. Never stabbed anyone, though.

Heck, one of our history teachers was a Viet Nam Vet, and he used to bring an AK-47, M-14, and a few other rifles into the school and set them up in a glass display outside of the school library for a few weeks of the year when they studied the section on Southest Asia. He'd brought the AK and some other items home from the war, and it made a grand display.

These days, such things are unheard of.
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Yes! and RIGHT ON!!


Post by JD Spydo »

Thank you "Jimd". You very carefully illustrate that the public schools and this phony news media immediately demonizes the weapon and not really what type of person did this crime. When I went to school I carried a pocket knife ( older Buck) and I can remember on 2 occasions when the teacher would ask to use it. We never had any stabbings, shootings, rapes or anything of the kind in our school. If you want to look at the knife as being evil that is so absurd. I'll bet there are many more "CELL PHONE ADDICT" drivers killing and hurting people in one month than all the knife users in the last 10 years. I may be a little off on that assumption but you all get the point. Vehicle control laws would make much more sense than any gun or knife control laws. :mad: :spyder: :)
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Post by Jimd »

JD Spydo, I agree 100% with what you said. The media and our "intellectuals" in congress immediately blame inanimate objects as the cause.

Times have changed, that's for certain. As you said, we didn't have any of the major crime problems in our school when I went there. Oh, there'd be a fight every now and then, as is bound to happen. And you had the druggie crowd, who would smoke pot. That was really about it. Not like these days.

Somewhere, we've gone astray. What has changed? Our kids have become more impatient (as the rest of the country has). Is it the way we're raising them? Do they have too much freedom? Not enough freedom?

Are they violent because the future looks bleak, ie. education, job prospects, or other reasons?

I'm really not sure, but I think it might be a combination of the above. Or maybe I'm wrong.
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Post by Stevie Ray »

I've carried a pocket knife of some sort from 4th grade on. If my son gets caught at school with ANY ... knife ..., of ANY sort, he WILL be expelled. IMHO, the country has evolved .. / .. changed regarding this issue over time and many children and adults think of knives as nothing more than weapons because they were not properly trained by their parents....

Perhaps they've never hunted for food (most haven't these days). Think about it.... I've taken my share of game ... AND ... where would you be without a knife post hunt ...? Sure... boxes .. tape ... string ... etc ... but a knife ... It's kind of like the Spyderco poster .... "All God's Creatures" ... nuff said.....

As an example of what I'm talking about regarding over-reaction, my grandfather ... who was born in the late 1800's, never forgave himself when I (as a 4th grader) picked his super sharp pocket knife up and accidently cut myself ... He never carried again .... and it happened in the 60's .... He was a sniper in WW1. He never even carried one again as far as I knew after that .....

Knives are tools ........ and then .... weapons ... only as a last resort.
Who really wants to be involved in a public incident with a knife .... Not me ...
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They are wrong: NOT US!!!


Post by JD Spydo »

Well "Jimd" & Stevie Ray I think we are certainly on the same page. I know what the underlying motive is. It is just strictly a brainwashing routine that the mainline news media has been trying to ram down our throats for years now. If you listen really close they are more or less telling us that it is wrong or immoral to even defend ourselves. That has got to stop. We the people have rights plain and simple. They want us to believe that they are privaledges. No they are rights. I will go a step further: They are even GOD-given rights endowed on us from our creator. I am not about to let some totally corrupt lawyer bureaucrat tell me otherwise. If the victim in this case would have had a mode of self defense this whole incident might have been avoided. You will never hear that from the media. Criminals by nature are cowards and most of the time they prey on the weak and unarmed. That says it all. GOD BLess all you guys & gals on the Forum because we know what is right!!!! AMEN JD Spydo :) :spyder: :)
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Post by Nicky »

**** this remembers me yesterday when I was at school. There were two employees (I don't know who they are) and they were talking about another employee who was using a knife at school... it was something near that...

John- ... and the guy used is knife... He's kind of crazy...
Mary- I hate such people, they are so dangerous...
John- Do you realise he could hurt or even kill us... He has a knife!
Mary- such a mad...

I didn't ear everything but I'm pretty sure that the guy just used is knife as a tool and probably for is job... Nothing violent happen here since I'm in this school... But I live in Canada and people may not be used to see such "crazy thing"...

What we really need is to give them some information...

And btw I really prefer that the 15yo kid used knives then let say bleach in a water gun... That's kind of stupid but such a thing could easily kill many people... I prefer to see a small number of people with little injuries then 30-40 dead students...
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Post by mystillwater »

i understand the desire to defend ourselves and families but the issue at hand is a kid with knives in school. i DON'T think kids should have knives at school. i think anyone other than LEO should not have weopons on school property. some kid went "Chronicals of Riddick" on his schoolmates. that's bad.

my knives are NEVER weopons. i wish they were never weopons for anyone.
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Post by jimbo@stn24 »

Good points raised by all, I however much like the thoughts posted by Jimd and JD. In western Canada it doesn't seem to be as bad as I read on the board, as most people seem to assume that the person has a need for knife if they're bothering to carry it. Or maybe I'm niave and not noticing the "evil eye".

The point was raised about a kid carrying a knife to school. I don't see that as much of a problem, provided the necessary education has happened. Case in point, the kid across the street (age 7) who was proud (before his mother disarmed him) that now he can kill birds, etc., I think was lacking in knife education. I'll bet most farm kids carried a knife from when they did morning chores and occasionally I carried knives and never did it cross my mind that I could hurt another person with my knife. My two girls (6 & 8) are learning how useful they can be, how to whittle, and most importantly, they are not for use to settle arguments, right playground wrongs, etc..

To close a lengthy post, like many board members, I have been wondering where society has gone wrong that these types of incidents seem to be more prevalent. I have my ideas, and soft minded, "academic" liberals, figure prominently, :D .
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Post by mystillwater »

i don't currently have any children (that i know of :-)) but i can imagine that i would feel very nervous for them going to school with kids that were allowed to carry knives. i wouldn't be worried that my kid would be irresponsible because i would teach him/her like my dad tought me. but i would would be nervous that some kid who saw Chronicles of Riddick too many times would do something stupid and harm my kid. that's why i'm glad that it's illegal. i also know that no matter how well they are taught, kids still do wild and irresponsible things even when they know better. knife (or gun or whatever...) education is the key to proper understanding but it should still be accompanied by certain boundries. i had my own .22 when i was 10 and was trained on the proper care and handling but that didn't mean i was allowed to go into the woods with it alone any time i wanted.
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What do you do?


Post by ken »


I have a tendancy to agree with you.
Do you think your "rights" are infringed upon because you can't have a knife in a court room-theme park-airplane-ect.?

Your thoughts on these.

Do you really need a knife in these places? But there you go!You start banning them in these places and where does it stop?

But a knife by it's own defination is a "tool" or a "weapon". Anything else cold be used as such but they were not designed for that.

Yep we evolved but not always for the best. We've becomed to politically correct and this is scary.

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Post by Jimd »

Here's how bad it is....
Several years back, my daughter was in kindergarten. It was her birthday, and the teacher said it would be fine to bring in birthday treats for the class, have a little party, etc..

I suggested bringing in a layer cake. "Oh no!" said the teacher. "You'd need a knife to cut it!"

I told her that I would bring the knife and keep it under my personal control. No deal. I asked if they had knives in the school kitchen, and if we couldn't use one of those. Heavens, no! Finally, I suggested that we utilize a PLASTIC knife. Still no!

For crying out loud! A PLASTIC KNIFE was out of the question!!! Get real. Now we've gone way over the "cautious" line, straight into the "hysteria" zone.

As an aside...whenever I have to visit the school, I carry my knives. :)
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Post by ken »


Funny story-sad but true.
So let me guess te following is the letter you got from the principal,

Dear Sir,

We understand your frustration about your daughters birthday cake and our policy regarding knives.
But as you well know this policy was adopted after the wave of school violence that had happened. We're sure that you realize that it is for your daughter's protection along with her fellow students, staff, teachers, and adminstration.

Although this might seem extreme we believe we need to keep up with changing times. Our liability is just to great in this case. Your argument about kinves in the kitchen is very weak as these are "tools" that our cafteria workers have been trained in there safe useage. We also feel you were a little unreasonable about this situation as these there are always alternatives. May we suggest "cup cakes" next time!

If you feel this is un-reasonable please attend your school board meetings. I believe you have not been to any! Futhermore if you insist on carrying a knife on campus you better be wareing a badge! Or like they say "Keep that thing in your pants".

I.M. Fulla Bull
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Post by thombrogan »

mystillwater wrote:i don't currently have any children but i can imagine that i would feel very nervous for them going to school with kids that were allowed to carry knives.
i had my own .22 when i was 10 and was trained on the proper care and handling but that didn't mean i was allowed to go into the woods with it alone any time i wanted.
Wouldn't it be more nervewracking if the children weren't allowed to carry knives, but did so anyways? Wouldn't it be more nervewracking if bullies and gangmembers knew the well-behaved kids were always unarmed and safe to prey upon?

Proper care and handling of a .22 for a 10 year old includes not being able to use it without proper supervision. :rolleyes:
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Post by Jimd »

Ken, oddly enough, we did decide on cupcakes. The cupcakes posed to be a FAR lesser threat to the, I meant, students, than the very dangerous cake.

And as for the "you better be wearing a badge" thing...I'm an officer. I've got them covered on that front. :) It pisses them off because they really can't do anything to me, lol.
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How ludicrous!!!


Post by JD Spydo »

You see "Jimd" you have just really fortified my point that I have been trying to drive home. If this person is that paronoid delusional about a plastic knife I would not even deem them fit to even be around school children. A simple long "bread knife" with a rounded of tip would have served the task well and would not have caused a hazard to anyone. If the "political correct" crowd keeps having their way about things it will eventually be a felony not to wear your seatbelt.
It is up to sane and rational people like us to say "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"!! :confused: :mad:
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