Coffee experts, pressed coffee?

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Coffee experts, pressed coffee?


Post by vampyrewolf »

Ok, FINALLY found a decent quality press around here(been hunting for a few months for a tight one).

Trudeau Tirra, 16oz... permantent filter, good solid rubber seal on it, grounds lock solidly under the lid.

It recommends a scoop of grounds(scoop comes in the package, 1.5tsp or 25ml) per 8oz of water, so 2 scoops for the full press.

What about using fresh ground? I do 3 scoops of regular to a 12 cup pot of drip with prepackaged ground or 2 scoops of fresh ground, so the same 60% into the press?
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Post by OutofGum »

I have a press (8oz) and use only fresh grounds. It really depends on how strong you like your coffee as well as what blend of beans you are using. Fresh grounds will produce more flavor, so try using 60% less if you like the strength you have now.
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Post by RLR »

Same strength because the FRENCH press is for a EURO coffee - stronger and more robust than US java. I love the pressed taste much better.
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Post by JDEE »

OK I'm an ignorant Ozzie what's a "press" - is it what we call a "plunger"?
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"werewolf coffee"


Post by AllenETreat »

VW -

I say, use a tablesppon to every cup ( at least on Maxwell House
coffee that's what they recommend :D ) and don't try to post here
until you settle down from the 1st cup! ;)

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Post by bildrac »

In my press I use a pre-ground heaping tablespoon of beans per each 2-cups, then I way over-grind the beans (the finer the grind, the more coffee bean surface area exposed). I also never drink the last quarter of each cup.
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Post by java »

bildrac wrote:In my press I use a pre-ground heaping tablespoon of beans per each 2-cups, then I way over-grind the beans (the finer the grind, the more coffee bean surface area exposed). I also never drink the last quarter of each cup.
Arrrrr, bildrac! Ya scurvy sludge wastin' cur!!! 'Tis the best part a the black elixir ye be tossin', matey! Ye kin hoist many a sheet ta the yardarms, mizzens, and mains whilst chawin on them remains ye be leavin' there. 'Twill keep ya more alert than a a tupence sailor hustlin' floozie workin the the crew ta their nubbins'. ][/url] Strangely enough, I am java, on their forums as well. I cannot stress the importance of a uniform grind as well and the author brings up a few interesting points regarding grind and filter type as well as what is known as bloom. Having been roasting my own green beans for a while, I've experienced this a bit in my Bodum press (Thanks, Vox!!). Bodum also recommends not using a grind that is too fine as it tends to clog the filter/press over time.

When you mean fresh ground, I assume you are grinding whole beans. If this is the case, to achieve a uniform grind, pitch the blade type grinder – they produce uneven grinds and some kind-of-sewers er… connoisseurs say the physical action of the blade imparts heat and changes some of the volatile oils that give good coffee flavor. As the author states "Cheap blade grinders give you a mixed bag of big and small chunks - dust and boulders." Find yourself a halfway (or full way) decent burr grinder. There are several new models in the lower price points that have conical burrs with adjustment settings for drip to espresso. Decent burr grinders can also be found on E-Bay at reasonable prices. I'm currently using a Braun burr grinder that I bought at Fry's Electronics for $39.00 US. It produces a uniform grind but I have mixed feelings due to its tendency to kick beans up out of the hopper and increase grind times.

Let me know if you need help finding a grinder or I can ship this one to you when I upgrade. Take care and give our best to your Mom and Dad.
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Post by CKE »

Patrick, I stick to a coarser grind than my drip maker grind. I use freah grounds and about 2 tbsp for my hand can't remember how many oz. it is. I had to play around a bit to get the strength I wanted( I like it strong) but every roast is different. I buy Starbucks beans because in T Bay that is the only quality bean you can find. Hope that helps and java is always a fountain of knowledge :) when it comes to being a slave to the bean. Take Care!!!
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Post by voxnaes »

One small handfull of rough grind per. cup. Throw it in the boiling coffepot hanging over the campfire. Do NOT filter, just chew!! :) :D The best coffe ever.....IF you have been out trakking all day, that is ;)
And Java; Your more than welcome, my friend!
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