Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Horrors of Petra: The Forbidden City

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

This is an excellent account, with some equally excellent commentary.

The subject begins at 8:15:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Modern-Day Dinosaur Sightings & Encounters

(The Cryptid Huntress channel)

The subject begins at around 3:35:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Woman Dies in Head-On Collision; Meets Bizarre Beings with Father She Never Met!

(Next Level Soul Podcast channel)


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Impromptu Werewolf Stories

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

Very interesting livestream with accounts of shapeshifters, in particular, werewolves, but also one supposed Reptilian encounter in an elevator.

The first two short encounter stories begin at about 15:15. The main story, an account from a man who claims to have been a former werewolf, begins from about 21:00, and ends at about 2:15:45. Whether you choose to believe the story or think it's nonsense, it is an interesting story that is both dark and riveting; and as it was told to Josh, it has a ring of truth to it, IMO. I'm not saying that I totally believe it or disbelieve it; only the man who gave the story to Josh really knows. Clearly, this is a long story, but IMO, it is worth a listen, if these types of accounts interest you.

This livestream lasted over 5 hours, and admittedly, I did not listen to the entire thing.

https://www.youtube.com/live/rIoIGh7ydV ... SUtPlRJV2q


*Edited to repost the link, so it will take you to watch the video on YT.
Last edited by James Y on Sun Mar 17, 2024 3:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Reptilians Among Us, with Super Soldier Daryl James

(The Cryptid Huntress channel)

If I had heard this 25+ years ago, I most likely would have thought that such accounts were made up. Since then, my mind has been opened considerably to the possibility (and the probability) that it, and many other, similar accounts of Reptilian humanoids, are true.

The subject starts from 3:35:

https://www.youtube.com/live/87tgmsL_dO ... _-GmmsT8Te

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Seers of Realms

((The Confessionals channel)

A discussion about the relationship between sightings of owls (some almost human-sized) and UFO encounters. Owls are also a common theme in a variety of other types of paranormal phenomena.

The subject begins at 3:05:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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"The Time I Encountered a Skinwalker" (A True Story)

(Esoteric Atlanta channel)

Interesting story, well-told.

Was it really a skinwalker, or some other type of shapeshifting entity? The term "skinwalker," like the word "Wendigo," has become overused in modern popular culture. There are MANY types of shapeshifting paranormal entities that aren't necessarily skinwalkers, or even in the same category as skinwalkers.

One thing I do take exception to is she considers "elderly" as being from 55 years old. I guess when you're in your 30s or younger that 50 seems elderly, but it's not, even if some 40 or 50-somethings LOOK elderly. I'm turning 61 in May and I'm not "elderly" at all; I only look and feel middle-aged.

The subject begins at 1:05:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

The Vampire Confessions

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

This is one of the most interesting accounts I have ever heard, up there with the account given a few posts back. Is it all true? I don't know. But this long account goes deep into stuff not talked about anywhere else. It's well worth listening to the end, because there are aspects to this account that are "out there," yet at the same time, sound quite plausible (unless you're one of those who doesn't believe in the possibility of anything they haven't personally touched or experienced).

The host, Josh Turner, is probably the best on YouTube at relating other people's accounts of the paranormal.

I agree with Josh on most stuff, but there are some things he believes and says that I do not necessarily agree with, based on *my own personal experiences.* I DO NOT believe that only those people who subscribe to one certain religion/belief system are, or can be "saved," whatever that's supposed to mean (again, due to *my own personal experiences*). But that is not a discussion for this thread, and I fully respect his right to believe and say whatever he wants to on his own channel, based on HIS own personal observations and experiences.

The subject begins from around 8:15:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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This Scientist has Invented a Technology that Allows Him to View Interdimensional Beings

(Unexplained Mysteries channel)

Real or not? You decide. I KNOW that inter-dimensional beings exist, based on personal experiences. But do I think these images could be real? I don't know. IMO, they could have been faked, but I am open-minded to the possibility that they could be real. So as of right now, I'm about 50/50.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Miami Mall Bayside Alien Incident Isn't Over (2024)

(Caspersight channel)

I have mixed feelings about this channel's host. I tried to find the original video that he's reacting to; and although I found some of the lady's videos, I was unable to find this particular one. I would rather watch the original video without his constant jabbering and pausing of the video.

I do feel, based on other evidence of portals and entities that I've seen by reliable researchers (such as the late Scott Carpenter), that this woman's videos contain real evidence of interdimensional entities.

As I have stated before in this thread, I'm cautious and very picky about video 'evidence' of paranormal activity on YouTube, especially footage that is purported to show cryptids, and/or unknown entities. Because there are fakers out there.

But the lady who is posting these videos sounds legit to me, and the strange images she has captured have the feeling of reality to them (i.e., not CGI'd, etc.). Interdimensional beings do not always appear perfectly clear, and their appearances are usually very bizarre. Oftentimes, they might be (or might APPEAR to be) pareidolia. They often stand or sit almost motionless; other times, they move in a very bizarre manner. They also commonly shape-shift.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Unseen Forces: Discover the Truth Behind These Unearthly Abilities We All Have!

(Next Level Soul Podcast channel)

A very interesting and insightful discussion about Telekinesis, Out-of-Body Experiences, and Remote Viewing.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Soul Trappers

(The Confessionals channel)

A VERY interesting interview with an abductee that goes way beyond most others that have been shared. Although this is a long video (nearly 2.5 hours long), it doesn't SEEM all that long when you start getting into the experiences that are being shared.

There are a couple of subjects that I disagree with "Fringe" on. She considers channeling to be either nonsense, or that it all comes from negative/evil sources; which I know through personal experiences, over years of channeling, that that is not the case. Of course, one must ALWAYS exercise discernment. And IMO, you should know exactly whom or what you are channeling (through active intention); and if the messages are genuinely, consistently positive towards the highest and best for all, or if they are deceitful and manipulative. I have only ever experienced the former and never the latter in my channelings. If anyone thinks I'm weird or "woo-woo" for that, oh well...

I also know for a fact that reincarnation is real, and not only for a few select individuals. It would probably be rare for someone to have NOT been reincarnated. But in reality, the concept of time *as we know it* does not exist outside of this physical, earthly realm. So in reality, rather than past or future lives, various aspects of a single soul are actually experiencing *simultaneous* lifetimes. But that is stepping far outside of the discussion in this video.

This is not to be critical of "Fringe." I only say this because many/most people, including experiencers, tend to be absolutist in their views. Especially when it comes to the subject of the paranormal.

I am certain that Fringe's experiences, her upbringing, and her familial line and what they'd done (certain dark rituals, etc.), all have to do with her dark and frightening experiences.

The subject begins at around 3:10:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

"I Wish I Never Went to This Party"

Two videos posted below.

(Dougie Corrado channel)

First, a caveat: Dougie Corrado says that he presents both true and fictional scary stories on his channel (which he tells in the first person). Many of the stories he tells on his channel are clearly fictitious. However, he claims that this particular story is true, and that it actually happened to him. Is he being truthful? Is it a made-up story, that he perhaps had AI-generated? I can't say. I DO know that there are many YouTube channels that present AI-generated stories as true, which is why I am very picky about which videos (and from which channels) I'll post in this thread.

Do I believe that things happen in real life like they do in his story? ABSOLUTELY. And the level of detail in his story is impressive. And in case you're wondering, the details of the happenings themselves are not graphic.

"I Wish I Never Went to This Party, Part 2" (Reaction)

(Jamel_AKA_Jamal channel)

I'm posting this reaction on another channel to Dougie Corrado's follow-up video, because Corrado has stated that he is going to be deleting Part 2 from his channel soon.

Take it as you will. IMO, Corrado's account has the ring of truth to it. But I would be lying if I said I believed his account 100%. I do believe 100% that such things actually happen, and they probably happen a lot (and not only in L.A.). But again, was this something HE actually experienced, or was his story AI-generated fiction? As it stands now, and after watching part 2, I'm about 70% believing that he's telling the truth about THIS particular story. Otherwise, I wouldn't be posting it here. Because I have heard many similar accounts over the years (decades, actually), but never to the level of detail in this story. And he's still being purposely vague as to many details, which he should be.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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This Drone Entered Mel's Hole; What was Captured Terrifies the Whole World

(Cosmos Lab channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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The Predator

(The Confessionals channel)

The subject begins at 10:40:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Man Bitten by Spider; While in Surgery, He Has a Profound NDE (Near-Death Experience)

(NDE Diary)

I gave this video my own title, because the title the channel gave it was way too goofy/weird.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Update on "I Wish I Never Went to This Party" videos from 4 posts ago

So Dougie Corrado has admitted as a guest on another podcast that his story about the satanic party with the Hollywood elites is NOT true. I have to admit, he almost had me fooled. I was up to 70% believing it was true, especially after his part 2 follow-up video.

But as with all stories, I always reserve a certain amount of healthy skepticism. How much skepticism depends, and varies with the source. Satanic parties attended by elites, similar to the one he described in his story, do happen. But according to his own words, this one did not, and I would be remiss if I didn't post a follow-up mentioning this after finding this out. So I won't be posting anything from or about Dougie Corrado's channel in this thread anymore. He is good at storytelling, but that's all they are on his channel, made-up stories. He's even just come out with a part 3 follow-up to the story, but I'm no longer interested, although I did check out some of the comments below part 3.

I have nothing against fictional stories; I used to be good at writing short stories myself. When I was in 11th grade (back in 1979), I even wrote a short sci-fi/horror story about an international cabal of sinister, Illuminati-like elites waiting out their self-orchestrated end of human civilization in a secretly-built, luxurious, hi-tech undersea city, nearly 20 years before I ever heard of such groups and conspiracies surrounding them. But this thread is reserved for true stories/accounts of the unusual and the paranormal that I feel COULD BE true. And seeing now that Dougie Corrado has just admitted that his story is flat-out fiction, his channel is now disqualified from this thread; however, I won't delete his video (and the reaction video to his part 2 follow-up) that I've already posted.

Of course, some people in the comments section below the part 3 video think that powerful people who were involved in "the party" became aware of his videos and threatened him, and he had to come out and say it was all fake, for his own safety. *I do not believe that.* Because on the other podcast he said that it never happened without hesitation, and with such glee, that I believe he DID make it up. However, I still believe that the idea for the party was based on very real accounts that he stole details from to make his own fictitious story. Or he created an AI-generated story with some details that were taken from real accounts.

As I have mentioned before in this thread, the ONLY paranormal experience/encounter stories that I KNOW to be 100% true are my own. And nobody else has to believe them 100%, or even believe them at all. I know my accounts are true because they are MY experiences. As I'm certain that other experiences shared by others in their posts in this thread, and those presented in many or most of the YouTube videos I and others have posted here, probably are (or could be) true. I can believe them, just not 100%, *because I wasn't there.*

So while Dougie Corrado is a very good YouTube storyteller, as I stated in the first post, this is not a thread for creepypasta fiction.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Immortal Reptilians

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

Josh Turner is definitely one of the best re-tellers of paranormal encounters that are claimed to be true, which he generally receives directly from experiencers, or are told to him by people who know the experiencers.

Sometimes Josh interrupts the flow of a story and goes off on historical explanations, especially on his livestreams; but this separates him from the rest of the paranormal channels. And he is picky about which accounts he is willing to tell on his channel.

The stories in this one are pretty wild. The main ones involve encounters with races of reptilian Humanoids and immortals in China. But I've come to believe that literally anything is possible. Especially considering that accounts of such beings have been echoed in reports from throughout the world.

The subject begins at around 7:50:

Note: For some reason, this video will not embed/show a thumbnail when posted so you can watch it here. Instead, the link takes you to YouTube to watch it. I suspect the reason for that is because this video has been flagged by YouTube for having content about "Reptilian humanoids."

Hmm. Why is that? :thinking

https://www.youtube.com/live/tyIrfyxcbw ... XJgXYIPJsm

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Katie Turner - Paranormal Investigator & Psychic

(Bigfoot Michigan Rob channel)

The subject begins from 7:55:

Note: There is a break/intermission in the show from 52:00 - 54:55:

Hmm. I guess since the forum was upgraded, some videos can be embedded and others can't.

https://www.youtube.com/live/AVVJcraHKQ ... VELBoIveMP

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Scary Meltdown on Spirit Airlines Plane!

(MinutesOfHorror channel)

In the past year or two, it seems as if there's been a trend of very bizarre airplane freakouts. So what is going on? Are some people behaving like this for attention, to become the next trending topic? Are some of them suffering from certain issues? Are they performances put on by "crisis actors," to push some kind of narrative? Could there be something paranormal going on? Or could it be something even weirder? And why are the other passengers laughing? I find THAT disturbing, too.

Something is going on. I haven't been on an airplane since 2003, and I'm glad that I have no plans to fly anywhere again anytime soon.

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