Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by max808 »

James Y wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:44 am
max808 wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:57 am
Hi Jim, just a short anecdote from a recent observation. It's been quite windy over here this past weekend and my dog was sitting next to me when the window, which is always tilted open, suddenly slammed shut quite violently. The lil guy, a 65lb Rottweiler mix, started shivering like crazy as in his mind a supernatural event just took place which his mind can't compute, resulting in fear. With our human brain we can easily determine that the open window in the back caused a pressure difference resulting in the front window rapidly closing. Just to illustrate how easy it is to jump to conclusions and how a deeper understanding of the world tends to remove fear.

Have a great week Sir,
Whereas, due to my own personal experiences, there is no "supernatural;" there are only natural phenomena that are not yet understood by conventional science.
I've had enough of my own real experiences throughout my lifetime, without having to be an investigator, to know that far more exists than only the physical world that we can see and touch.
Exactly Jim, and thank you for your elaborate answer. The more we learn and gain insight, the more all of the pieces come together in harmony. In academic circles a unified theory is pretty much considered the holy grail.

Have a good one Sir,
MNOSD 0047 - mens sana in corpore sano -
Do more than is required of you . Patton
For man's only weapon is courage that flinches not from the gates of **** itself, and against such not even the legions of **** can stand. Robert E. Howard
James Y
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

max808 wrote:
Tue Oct 31, 2023 5:15 pm
James Y wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 9:44 am
max808 wrote:
Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:57 am
Hi Jim, just a short anecdote from a recent observation. It's been quite windy over here this past weekend and my dog was sitting next to me when the window, which is always tilted open, suddenly slammed shut quite violently. The lil guy, a 65lb Rottweiler mix, started shivering like crazy as in his mind a supernatural event just took place which his mind can't compute, resulting in fear. With our human brain we can easily determine that the open window in the back caused a pressure difference resulting in the front window rapidly closing. Just to illustrate how easy it is to jump to conclusions and how a deeper understanding of the world tends to remove fear.

Have a great week Sir,
Whereas, due to my own personal experiences, there is no "supernatural;" there are only natural phenomena that are not yet understood by conventional science.
I've had enough of my own real experiences throughout my lifetime, without having to be an investigator, to know that far more exists than only the physical world that we can see and touch.
Exactly Jim, and thank you for your elaborate answer. The more we learn and gain insight, the more all of the pieces come together in harmony. In academic circles a unified theory is pretty much considered the holy grail.

Have a good one Sir,

Thanks, and you too, Max

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Demon Crone of Oaxaca; Violent Spirits; Aliens vs Shadow Creature; Black Goo Dogman

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

This is a longer video than I normally post in this thread (it’s just over 2 hours long, total), but it was posted on YouTube last night as a special Haloween double feature. It contains some very creepy encounters with paranormal entities and creatures. In particular, the "Black Goo Dogman" is one of the most bizarre accounts that I have ever heard. And I've heard and read a ton of accounts over the decades.

Note: The subject begins from 8:40:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Josh Turner: Dogman Encounter

(The Vortex channel)

Josh Turner, the host of the Paranormal Round Table channel, at a conference. He talks about revisiting a haunted church, and recounts his own personal Dogman encounter that happened in his teens. He also discusses reports of people's encounters with human/reptilian shapeshifters, as well as discusses the metaphysical aspects of Dogman creatures.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Controversies over UFOs with Jason McLean

(Blondes and Boos Paranormal Podcast channel)

IMO, this is the most interesting discussion about UFOs that I have ever heard. Jason McLean delves deeper into the subject than anyone I've ever heard, and much of what he says goes against what most UFO researchers/"experts" believe, or would have you believe. I don't normally listen to much about UFOs, exactly because the subject has been so manipulated in the mainstream media. And frankly, I just don't find the subject of UFOs (as they are generally discussed) overly interesting, unless it's someone posting in this thread about their own personal experience. But this interview is fascinating.

One thing I will say is that the story Jason McLean shares about Jim Morrison's father's involvement in the Gulf of Tonkin incident (that started America's involvement in the Vietnam War) is NO surprise to me at all, because I read about it several years ago.

Note: The interview begins at 12:25:

Also note: The show takes a break from 52:15 to 58:20:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

This is Why Divers are Afraid of the Ocean

(What Lurks Beneath channel)

Don't let the goofy thumbnail put you off; this channel shares some very interesting accounts. This video alone includes MANY stories of encounters with a wide variety of beings, entities, creatures, etc., in the water.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Zombie Encounters

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

Discussion about zombies, and encounters with zombies, or zombie-like entities. Also, encounters with drug addicts displaying zombie-like behavior.

Note: The discussion starts at 8:20:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Shapeshifter Potluck: Real-Life Encounters with the Impossible!

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

The subject begins at 5:40:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

'Paranormal Bigfoot' Doc Explores Cloaking Cryptid & Supernatural Sightings / Talking Strange

(Den of Geek channel)

A very good discussion that covers the growing awareness of the "supernatural"/paranormal aspects of the Bigfoot phenomenon, that goes WAY beyond the concept of Bigfoot creatures as only an unknown species of giant hominid. The so-called "researchers" who only believe in the flesh-and-blood Bigfoot theory, and totally deny the paranormal aspects of Bigfoot, are living in complete denial.

This is an inteligent discussion on the subject. If you are even vaguely curious about the paranormal and/or Bigfoot, I strongly recommend listening to the entire video.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

The MK Ultra/Paranormal Connection: Beings From Beyond

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

The subject begins from 10:45:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Another TikToker Encounters a Giant / Quartzville, Oregon Giant Door

(Sling and Stone channel)

Do I believe that giants exist? I do. Do I believe there are tribes of 100% physical giants hiding out in the woods? I don't know; most likely not. IMO, they are most likely metaphysical in nature. Sometimes they're here, but most of the time they are not. Perhaps they are interdimensional, or spiritual, or even subterranean physical beings. Or maybe any or all of the above, and more. But this is all just speculation on my part.

Do I necessarily think that the TikToker who is the subject of this video is being truthful? I really don't know.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

The Real History of the Assassin's Creed Within Islam and the Occult

(Mysterious Middle East channel)

Another excellent video from this channel.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Evil Spirits & Entities! The Guides Reveal Ancient Method to Protect Yourself! / Suzanne Giesemann

(Next Level Soul Podcast)


Actually, the title of this video, and the title in the thumbnail, is mostly to grab people's attention. The subject of evil entities is really only a part of this discussion. But the things that Suzanne Giesemann says throughout this video ring true to me. Sure, there are fake psychics and mediums out there, but she strikes me as 100% legit. I personally have a couple of friends who have mediumship abilities, but they haven't gone public with it, and probably never will. I'm not a psychic or a medium, but I do channeling of my spirit guides, as well as do spiritual work in the Akashic Records, but only for myself.

What Suzanne says about getting rid of dark entities is true, in my experience. Only a couple of weeks ago, I experienced something dark and 'heavy' (energetically) trying to attach itself to me. I felt zero fear. If anything, I took it as a type of practice. I smiled to myself and calmly felt my inner light, as I mentally spoke to Archangel Michael and my guides; and then, using my divine authority, I mentally ordered it to get out. It pulled away from me really fast, like when an ocean wave pulls away from you and back out to sea as you stand on the shore. And it never came back. I knew what to do, because a similar thing happened to me about 30 years ago, with the same result. The difference is that I am far more evolved now in my spiritual practices than I was then.

IMO, this 'entity' I dealt with was a transient being that was only passing through. It is not on, nor a part of my property at all. I believe that there are low-level, parasitic, non-physical entities that travel about searching for random hosts to attach to, and that most people either don't notice; or if they do, they become intensely afraid. And that emotional energy of fear is what they feed on. The more fearful a person becomes, the stronger the entity and the attachment becomes.

I kinda doubt that anybody here is actually going to watch this video, much less read this overly-long post. If anybody does, I'd be surprised. But the video contains gems of truth. And, of course, people are free to believe or disbelieve whatever they choose. They can think I'm full of it. And that's okay, too.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Terror of the Tulpa: Strange & Violent Hauntings

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

The subject begins from 5:45:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Half Mile to Circleville / Two High Strangeness Cases

(Beyond Creepy channel)


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Their Dog Said Goodbye One Last Time


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Paranormal Investigating Needs to Change!! / Spiritual World is Not a Playground

(Shanclen Shadow Productions channel)

This is something I've thought about for quite some time. Most of the "paranormal investigation" TV shows only exploit the idea of spirit contact for amusement and "creep factor," with little to no in-depth knowledge, consideration, or compassion for those in the spirit world; mostly by people who present themselves as "experts," but who really don't know what they're doing. Oftentimes, it's used as an excuse to show off their fancy "ghost investigator" gear, and over-exaggerate their own reactions to boost viewership.

As someone who has had paranormal experiences throughout my life, IMO, there is no need for "proof" of spirit beings, or a spirit world. For those who disbelieve, no amount of proof will ever suffice; for those who do believe (or better yet, already know from personal experience), no more proof is necessary. But the truth is, we're ALL going to know when our time here is up.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Ghosts & Demons of the Devil's Junkyard

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

This is a creepy episode, with accounts of a severely-haunted, family-owned junkyard in Durango, Mexico.

The subject starts at 7:25:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Atheist Dies; Shocked by What She Saw on the Other Side / Powerful NDE (Near-Death Experience)

(Shaman Oaks channel)

Note: Regarding the title, this video is NOT about, nor is it espousing, any religion.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

The Gargoyle Phenomenon

(My Paranormal Experience channel)

Various types of paranormal encounters shared by two different people. The first experiencer's stories start from the very beginning. The second experiencer's stories start from 20:25:


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