How often do your preferences change?

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How often does your favorite knife or knife steel change?

Never. I know what I like.
More frequently than I change my underwear!
Favorite? I can't even decide what to have for lunch!
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How often do your preferences change?


Post by Albatross »

Some of us collect, some of us acquire, and some of us keep a few good users for decades. Whichever category you fit into, I'd like to know; how often do your preferences change? How often does your favorite knife get replaced with something new? How often does your favorite steel get replaced with a new, more(or maybe less) exotic one?

I like the idea of collecting, and sometimes strive for it, but ultimately fall into the "aquire" camp, as I tend to sell off unused or supplanted knives, on the path to finding my new favorites. Ultimately, I'm looking for those knives that will serve me well for years to come. Knives that wont leave me wanting. To me, good knives are like a good wife; if you're happy with what you have, no amount of temptation can sway your commitment.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by Evil D »

Today I'd have to vote never. If you'd asked me this 10 years ago I'd say occasionally. It's an evolution of sorts. I think I've reached a point where I'm pretty set in what I like.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by The Deacon »

I'd have to say rarely. Started carrying a Case Whaler in their "stainless steel" in '63, carried it for nearly 20 years. In '81 that got replaced by a Buck Prince in whatever stainless steel they were using at the time. When I discovered Spyderco in '03 that got replaced by an AUS-6 Jester and a number of other larger Spyderco folders, mostly in VG-10 and S30V that I carry to this day.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by bdblue »

My preferences in style and characteristics change slowly, but I sometimes get tired of one thing and replace it with something that is relatively similar.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by MichaelScott »

My preferences change more in accordance with my needs. As my life and health have changed over the years so I have my knife preferences that meet those needs. I am usually at three or four maybe five Spydercos that I really like and find useful to me on a day by day basis. Those have changed over the years and part of that is due to Spyderco’s continuing improvement and innovations in knife design. Although I seem to have a number of knives that at one time have become non--users for me, fortunately I can sell those and ultimately invest in another one or two that do.

Even though I am flirting with the military, just because of it’s iconic place in life history, I tend to like small to medium size knives. At this point the Para Military 2 seems like a larger knife to me.
Aside from the size I really am attracted to ethnic and innovative designs like the Ikuchi and Lum Chinese folders.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by Tucson Tom »

It is good to be open minded. Variety is the spice of life. It is easy to get stuck in a rut for no particular reason.

But rushing after every new thing is no good either. I am always learning. Once you stop learning, you are dead.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by Archimedes »

I like to try out new folders. Yet, the Paramilitary seems to always end up back in my pocket. I also tend to carry the Pacific salt a lot. Those 2 folders seem to be my most carried for years now. I gave my Pacific salt to my son last summer when he was working for a rafting company, so really mostly my brown G10 S35 Para.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by wrdwrght »


But having a favorite is no longer my goal.

Now, I’m more interested in making whatever Spydie I’ve pocketed work for me, and wondering why I make a change, sometimes daily.

Discovery, which is more my goal, isn’t always rational.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by Naperville »

The following statement is in my knife collecting documentation to remind me what to buy. I do buy other steels, it's just what I need to be on the lookout for. My "preferences" have not changed in quite a long time. I've had this list for quite a while.

BUY knives made from the steel of: 1V, 3V, 4V, AEB-L, CTS-XHP, D2(Bob Dozier), K390, M390/20CV/204P, M4(COATED), Maxamet, S7, S90V, S110V, S125V, PM A11, Rex 45, Rex 121, Vanax Superclean, Z-WEAR, ZDP189
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by anycal »

My first Spyderco is my favorite to this day - the model, not the actual knife. In that regard, never.

But I am occasionally surprised by a new model and a differnt steel.
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by standy99 »

Recently changed to more of a fixed knife guy.

Just more inclined to take a fixed blade lately the last year. Also the last few knives purchased have been fixed.

To be honest I’m at that nearly 50 years old and “ frig I have too many knives “ point.

Just picked up a fixed blade I put off for many years, and kick myself I did now....
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by Wartstein »

Ever since I discovered the Endura and later the Stretch 1 (and that in fact I like that particular, larger but not huge blade size and a good backlock) nothing really could replace these two models as my all time favorites. PM2 came close, and Chap LW made me carry a small knife at least sometimes again, but that´s it.

Sure I still want to try new or already existing models (Endela!!! Chief!!! Manix XL!!! ;) ), but I doubt that there´ll be a knife in the nearer future that can finally take the place of Stretch and Endura.

How much I favor these two models gets clear, when considering that I try to limit my Spyderco collection to around just 10 to at the very max 12 folders at any given moment in time, and currently 7 of those are either Stretch 1s or Enduras...
Top three going by pocket-time (update March 24):
- EDC: Endura thin red line ffg combo edge (VG10); Wayne Goddard PE (4V), Endela SE (VG10)
-Mountains/outdoors: Pac.Salt 1 SE (H1), Salt 2 SE (LC200N), and also Wayne Goddard PE (4V)
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by vivi »

In some ways, they've stayed the same since I first started buying Spydercos.

I've always preferred longer blades like the Military & Police. I've always enjoyed a simple opening hole to flippers and waves. I've always been happy with steels like VG10 for an EDC.

In other ways, they've changed over the years.

Used to prefer liner and compressions locks, now backlocks are #1. Took the clips off my Spydercos the first year I carried them, then switched to tip up clipped carry. Started out only buying Spyderco folders, now I'm about 50/50 between folding and fixed.

For the most part my tastes have stayed the same. I like a big, sturdy knife that cuts well and doesn't weigh more than it has to. The particular knife that dominates my pocket may change, but they all aerve the same role in similar ways.

My primary EDC from the beginning has gone Delica (too small, didn't like it) > Cara Cara > Military > C95 Manix > Police 3 > Military > Pacific Salt > Police 4
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Re: How often do your preferences change?


Post by krsmitty »

My preferences and EDC seem to change on a weekly This week I'm into my PM2 (brand new). last week I was into OTF's...carrying my Ultratech. Next week may be into one of my Kershaw/CRKT flippers. Just what ever catches my eye at the time.

I have 4 spring assist flippers coming in next week.
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