Four more years of Warren Harding

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Four more years of Warren Harding


Post by AllenETreat »

Just think if this was that great era of the "Boss Tweed"'s, Tammany
Hall & the Teapot dome scandal - I'll bet Harding would be "partying
Hardy" as he always did in the White House with his Runyonesque
cabinet! And there be no shortage of suckers ( read : voters ) who'd
be right there to put'im back in!

I say we dig up the ol' codger - as most American's don't remember
history even four year's old - he'd be a shoo-in! :cool:

And I'll bet there's alot of people with money on the "margin" that
don't remember the cra$h of 29'! ( "margin stock" is what made "black
Friday" such a terrible day for investors! )


All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, awake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it reality.

T.E. Lawrence
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Post by sod »

You should think about moving to a more open country?
I think you and Jacques have alot in common.
Blame America first!!!
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Post by sod »

Oh, I forgot you don't vote, you only degrade those of us who do....
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Post by thombrogan »


Didn't FDR's 'new deal', which dragged the depression out longer than what generally occurs in less-regulated economies (like the crash in '88 that preceded a historically huge boom in the 90's), cause more pain than margin stocks?

Are you feeling down these days? You seem to be looking for a fight. What's bugging you so much?
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FDR saved the day


Post by AllenETreat »

Thom -

The "new deal" was part of what my parents went through - what
give's you the impression that the NRA, WPA, CCC camps & such made thing's
worse when the economy was in such sorry shape at the time?

We could also argue that WWII bought us out of the depression, which, to
an extent, it did ( claiming millions of live's in the fighting overseas )

Now I have read everything! FDR intentionally dragged out the Great
Depression? And to whose benefit? Certainly not the wealthy - I understand they suffered the worst in 29'.

And, dubya's no saviour by a long shot - if ya' ask me.

Don't believe the hype.

All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night, in the dusty recesses of their minds, awake in the day to find that it was vanity. But the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes to make it reality.

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Anger is a gift. Use it wisely.


Post by Ray.Hood »

You have a lot of anger AET. Do you vote? Vote and make a few changes. Vote in your hometown, or absentee. I do not like a lot of things going on today, but I trust my instincts to lead me in life. Not someone else's.
Opinions are what got this country started by the way. Everyone has one,
including Democrats. :D
If someone does not like something, they have the opportunity to change it.
Voting is like Spandex, a priveledge, not a right. :eek:
Bush is not perfect, but then would you run for President? No one person can change the future right? Wrong. Mankind can use a few more people with
open minds. The Lord only knows, we could use a few changes around here.
As for gay marriage? Do these people read the Bible???????
What ever happened to the family of old? We need them back.
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