Error: Failed to move uploaded file.

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Error: Failed to move uploaded file.


Post by ZrowsN1s »

I'm trying to upload a pic from my desktop. I do this often, the pic is sized correctly and is a JPEG, but suddenly every pic I drag and drop in says Error:Failed to move uploaded file.

Any suggestions?
-Matt a.k.a. Lo_Que, loadedquestions135 I ❤ The P'KAL :bug-red

"The world of edges has a small doorway in, but opens into a cavern that is both wide and deep." -sal
"Ghost hunters scope the edge." -sal
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Re: Error: Failed to move uploaded file.


Post by ZrowsN1s »

Problem seems to have sorted it self out.
-Matt a.k.a. Lo_Que, loadedquestions135 I ❤ The P'KAL :bug-red

"The world of edges has a small doorway in, but opens into a cavern that is both wide and deep." -sal
"Ghost hunters scope the edge." -sal
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