Maine Knife Ban Repeal Bill Passes - Call & Write Gov. Today!

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Maine Knife Ban Repeal Bill Passes - Call & Write Gov. Today!


Post by critter »

Maine Knife Ban Repeal Bill headed to Governor: An Act To Restore the Right To Possess Certain Knives That Are Used by Many Citizens as Tools," LD 264, has been passed by both houses of the Maine legislature and is now headed to the Governor. The final vote in the House last week was 120-24, the Senate concurred today. LD 264 would repeal Maine's irrational ban on automatic and gravity knives.

If you live, work, or travel in Maine, please contact Governor LePage and politely request that he sign LD 264. That's it, "Please sign LD 264," keep it simple and to the point. You can phone the Governor at: 207-287-3531 (or Toll-free: 1-855-721-5203) or Click here to email him through his website: ... ions.shtml

Knife Rights would like to thank LD 264 sponsor Representative Joel Stetkis for his leadership in passing LD 264. As a freshman legislator it means a lot to us that Knife Rights' victories in repealing bans in seven states gave Rep. Stetkis the inspiration and confidence to take on Maine's ban as one of his first legislative efforts.

Automatic knives are legal in 38 states (some with restrictions) and 26 states have no restrictions whatsoever on these knives. Seven of those 26 states have been added by Knife Rights since 2010. Knife Rights passed the nation's first repeal of a automatic knife ban in 2010 in New Hampshire and has since passed repeal of automatic knife bans (and repealed other knife restrictions) in Alaska, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas. Maine would be repeal number eight!