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Attack of the Clones

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 11:21 pm
by Spyderman91
I'm sure I'm not the only one who trolls Ebay for the spontaneous deals, or discontinued knives.

But I've noticed something that has been happening more, and more frequently... and that is the presence of clones.
My recent knife searches have been plagued with them, and this appears to be happening more often. Before I would see
a fake here, or there but now there are clusters of them both big name, and custom knives. A lot of knives that I didn't see before are now being faked, and it is alarming.

Have you all noticed the same trend?

Re: Attack of the Clones

Posted: Sun May 09, 2021 11:43 pm
by Higher
I am very worried about the presence of fakes. Yes, there are quite a few of them.

I try to conduct educational activities.
I explain to people that they cannot be bought. This is about those who want to do it on purpose. These manufacturers cannot be supported.
And I keep people from making mistakes. This is about those who do not understand and are afraid to buy a fake. I have brought many people to Spydiesect. While they still do not understand much themselves, they ask to save them from mistakes.
What else can I do? This is about those people who specifically bought on purpose . Hame and troll? The law does not allow them to be punished. Yesterday I found several fakes on Instagram. Posted with a question: fake or not. I know that this is a fake. But the authors of the photo are silent. They have nothing to say.
I'll ask another question. What fakes do you know?


Re: Attack of the Clones

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 2:07 pm
by Josh1973
I would not doubt if fake stolen knife designs have not played a part in Cold Steel selling out to GSM or closed a few factories down. Most people buy fake because it is cheap. Be it cell phone cases. knock off make up. sports memorabilia. Knives. Records. or anything that has any value.