Byrd wings and wings slipit

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Byrd wings and wings slipit


Post by Pandamcclain86 »

After tons on searching I found a website wit NIB for $40 each of both the Byrd wings and the slipit. I ordered both. I know their no Dyad but what are your guys thoughts on both Byrd’s compared to each model and compared to the Spyderco Dyad models
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Re: Byrd wings and wings slipit


Post by sal »

Hi Pandamcclain,

Welcome to our forum.

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Re: Byrd wings and wings slipit


Post by yowzer »

A bit belated reply, but I don't check the forums very often these days.

The Wings Slipit is my favorite Byrd; it fills a sweet slot between the Dyad and Dyad Jr. size-wise, and while it doesn't have the traditional Dyad super pointy tip on the PE blade, it's a very practical useful design. I'd love to see it come back in some form.

The big Wings, on the other hand... the first one I got back when was one of the few knives I had to send back because of QC issues - it wouldn't lock up reliably and the handle was warped. The replacement wasn't much better. That model just seemed to suffer from build issues and sloppy tolerances. Wasn't impressed, plus it makes the chonky Dyad sprint from a few years ago look lean and svelte.
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Re: Byrd wings and wings slipit


Post by defenestrate »

My fullsize wings had no issues - it has 2 fine blades but is a bit big and clunky - it cuts fine but doesn't carry well compared to other models. It came with a stout woven nylon belt sheath just like the byrd wrench, I just don't usually use those. It is too thick to clip comfortably to a pocket IMO. If you don't mind that and want a good comparison of similar sized plain and serrated blades, it's a good choice and well built.

I love the wings slipit. I rarely carry non-locking folders but this is top of the list. It's much slimmer than the regular wings due to lack of liner locks and is a very attractive knife - much closer to a classic case look than almost any other byrd/spydie. I am happy with the performance and as both blades have a kind of stubby tip they probably hold up to harder use than most slipjoints - I dropped mine pointfirst on concrete once and it caused no damage at all. I would recommend it to anyone and consider it a great modernized version of a classic 2-blade slipjoint pocketknife.
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Re: Byrd wings and wings slipit


Post by Eee »

The wings Slipit was always the knife I recommended to non knife people if they asked for a recommendation. I bought one for my eldest daughter too.
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