1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!

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1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by TazKristi »

We recently crossed a huge milestone on the forum; 1,000,000 posts! In celebration of this we'd like to hold a contest with a very special prize. Each of you who frequent our forum, do so on a very regular basis. Many of you spend time with us each and every day. We'd like to know what it means to you to be a part of the Spyderco Forum Community. What is it that brings you back. We know how special this place is and we know why it is for us, but we'd like to hear how you feel about this place. To participate in the contest, please review the rules carefully below.

Good luck to everyone!

Post your story of what it means to you to be a member of the Spyderco Forum Community.
Please try to keep the word count to no more than 250 words.
Feel free to include pictures to tell your story.

Stories must be posted in this thread for consideration.

Stories will be accepted until Monday, 4-May at 4:30 pm (MDT).
We will review the submitted stories,choose a winner and post the info by Monday, 11-May at 4:30 pm (MDT).

Winning Prize:
A portion of a sheet of steel (CPM S30V) after it's gone through the laser and signed by Sal and Eric.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Fresh Eddie Fresh »

That sheet is amazing!!
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by DougC-3 »

My story is pretty simple. It's the people first and then the knives. I was hooked on the forum after my first post because I came in with a slightly gripey problem -- stiff pivot action on my second Spyderco, a Caly 3.5 CF -- and immediately forum members treated me with respect and courtesy, gave me the benefit of their knowledge and experience, and tried their best to help me. It's really pretty rare to be treated like that by strangers on a strange forum. They represented a pretty good cross section of forumites and I'm listing their names just to give you an idea: endgame, DeathBySnooSnoo, Scottie3000, Clip, The Deacon, twinboysdad, xcdptnl, JudasD, David Lowry, razorsharp, FCM415, BAL, The Mastiff, Blerv, noseoil, anagarika, and defenestrate.

I like the variety of people and the fact that they come from all over the world. Some dignified, some irreverent, some reverent, some like the bright kid in the back of the class shooting spitballs, most with a good sense of humor, all with some knowledge and experience to share.

They, along with the Spyderco Crew in the background, including those who run the business and the forums, represent what I love about the forum and what keeps me coming back, of course including Sal and the employees who come on the forum. And then there's the knives! I joined in the midst of the excitement over the 2013 Native 5 forum knife and the Green PM2, soon followed by the K-390 Mule, and I'll probably never be the same :D :spyder:
Last edited by DougC-3 on Mon Apr 20, 2015 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
K-390 on hand: Mule Team 17, Police 4 G-10, Endela (burlap micarta), Endela backup, Endura (canvas micarta), Straight Stretch (now blade-swapped with G-10 Stretch), Delica Wharncliffe, Dragonfly Wharncliffe, & Dragonfly Wharncliffe shorty mod
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Ankerson »

The Spyderco Forum is important to me because of the members here, the members make the forum. There is a vast amount of experience and knowledge about Spyderco knives and I enjoy reading and talking about them with the fellow members. It's a small forum with a strong following in which Sal takes a personal interest in and answers members questions. That's something that is really special in that the Owner of a knife company actually gets involved and communicates with his customers on a public forum.

What keeps me coming back is that Sal actually takes a real interest in what the members have to say. I like it because of the Coffee Shop type atmosphere where people can come and talk about knives in a more quiet setting. The members here make the forum what it is, each and every one of them are special.

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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Bries »

Looks like an Escher drawing :)
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by tvenuto »


The Spyderco Forum, to me, is the back yard of the house that Sal, Eric and the Spydercrew have built. Although we don't get keys to the house itself, we are invited to gather in the yard that is an extension of the atmosphere inside the house. Even without being part of the company directly, we are welcomed by Sal and Co as close friends. As a fellow small business owner, the forum is a representation of the culture that's been built inside of the Spyderco house. You can't fake culture, and every time I visit the forum I'm reminded to strive for the Spyderco level of excellence in my own business.

Via the internet, Sal and Co are able to extend their back yard across the globe and bring together people who never would have met otherwise. I have learned much from these people, and hopefully contributed a little as well. Due to the ideas and discussions and photographs and even debates on the forum, the mere act of cutting has become a far richer experience than I'd ever thought possible. Although the knife is the oldest and most basic human tool, it's interesting that it took something so contemporary as an internet forum for me to truly appreciate it.

(picture is one of my more cherished Spyderco knives at my business)
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Knivesinedc »

This forum to me, is a big, close knit family who get along so much more than others because of a common interest, a passion for their hobbies and a very genuine care and appreciation for each other. The longer you reside here, the more you realize this isn't just another forum. It's something special. You see how much the members really do care for each other, how they support each other. All this because of an amazing company, nay, Spyderco isn't just some company, its a legacy. A genuine business that makes and maintains a personal relationship with their customers and loyal supporters. They go above and beyond to bring us, the best possible experience and the utmost respect. Spyderco is like a modern "Mom and pop" shop where unlike modern businesses who only care about making as much money as possible, Spyderco does truly care for its fans and followers. Every person on this forum I have respect for. Their knowledge, their wisdom, their support, their input. I respect it all, because everyone on this forum, respects me and each other. Apologies if I went long. there is too much to say about this forum and the people here and some is not possible to put into words. Thank you Spyderco, Sal, and the entire Spydie-crew, for being what you are. "Integrity is being good, even when no one is watching"-Spyderco
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by apollo »

http://www.spydercoforum" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;. com .
The one place on the internet i call home.
When i found this place i was a little over 16. I wondered around and found so many kind and helpfull guys and girls from all over the world.
When i joined i only had an frn endura III. And i felt a little overwelmd by the large collections out here on this forum. I felt like a tiny fish in a big sea. And when i did my first post and showed that endura so many of you gave me such a warm welcome that i did not feel like that small fish anymore so i will never be able to forget it. Among those people there was a forummember called Sal. And i have to admit it took me a long time before i really realized who this person was. When i did know i was amazed that the owner of a large brand could be so kind, gentle, and definatly so inspiring.
When i grew older i learned much more about spyderco and about Sal and Eric. As a result my love for spyderco only grew to the hights it is today and it is still growing. Now i am online almost everyday learning about steels , locks and having fun with all the guys from the weekly picture contest thread. This forum also helped me true a dark period in my life. Collecting and talking about my spydercos with possitive friends here kept me going and showed me the path to a new light in my life.
Last edited by apollo on Mon Apr 20, 2015 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Qcrazy »

Where to begin: It was a dark and stormy night, thunder crashing like rutting rhinos banging heads, lightening so bright that night turned to day every few seconds, rain in torrents with flash flooding everywhere. I was safe, warm and dry in my home perusing the internet. After owning Spyderco sharpeners and knives for quite some time, when I decided to search the internet for Spydercos. I found this forum, lurked for way too long and then jumped into the fascinating world of Spyderco. The history, information and camaraderie I found here was special. All of us have at least one thing in common and it’s that bond that is the glue in this forum. That Sal and company participation on here too, make this a unique and satisfying place to spend time. I check in here pretty much every day just to keep a pulse on what’s of interest each day. There are so many forum members here with so much knowledge, thought provoking questions, and great threads for a wide variety of interests that if you don’t check back often you miss too much. This is a community that everyone involved should be proud to be a part of. I’ve grown, my knowledge has grown and my collection has grown. Pretty much the only thing that hasn’t grown here is my bank account, and it’s been on a downhill slide since my first visit. All in all though: Thank you Spyderco.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by PayneTrain »

I came to this forum to learn about the knives. I stayed because of the people. I have been a member of at least a dozen forums over the years (4 of them knife-centric), and none of them compare to the Spyderco forum. It’s where I come to relax and unwind, distract myself from the grind by talking about a hobby with people who enjoy it as much or even more than I do, and more importantly, enjoy sharing it. From my first few posts I’ve felt welcome and appreciated here, like everyone was just waiting for me to show up and have some fun.

You don’t see the typical “try a search, noob” attitude here. Everyone is willing to help, no matter how simple or inconsequential the question is. One of my first threads was “How do you pronounce ‘Southard’?” I was amazed how many people thought that silly question was worth answering. Even at our worst, our “flame wars” could be put out with a shot glass. This place is special.

And I gotta say, I feel like we owe it all to Sal. His philosophy stretches far beyond a sticky or a poem, and somehow it’s wildly contagious. I’ll never stop learning and growing, and this forum and these people are now a part of that, a part of me. I only hope I can give back as much as I’ve gained from my time here. You are all my friends.

Thank you.


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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by chuckd »

Thanks for the contest! Good luck to all!

I have dabbled on many forums, but the Spyderco forum is the one forum, and honestly website in general, that I visit dang near every day. The community here is second to none, and despite having never met any one in person on here, I feel a great sense of connection with this group and I love frequenting this forum. They 'shinny footprints' from all make for the best forum community on the web.

I must say this is a group of enablers, though. I started out with a few Spyderco knives, but my collection is grown several times over since I first created an account here. Now I am somewhat of a steel junky, and find myself referring to knife knowledge in real life as being sourced 'from a friend on the forum,' and I believe that this forum is the only place where that is true, that everyone here is a friend.

Thanks Spyderco, and all you Spydie-junkies!
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Molle Ninja »

To me it's a rare opportunity to learn and share with like-minded Spyderco lovers, and an even rarer opportunity to interact with the owner of a company that I admire.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by vampyrewolf »

That sheet would make one **** of a piece of wall art...

What does the spyderco community mean to me... When I got my first delica in 98, the forum was information and knowledge to absorb... When I started posting and collecting, it was a brotherhood... When I truly started to appreciate the tools and fellowship on this group, it was somewhere to kick back and relax with friends. Over the last 17yrs of collecting, using, and appreciating quality tools, this forum has become family. Just as the older members didn't show me the door when I showed my age (or lack there off, early on), everyone continues to be welcomed with open arms and is guided through trials. Questions are asked freely, knowledge and experience are shared freely... come on in, have a seat on the couch and grab a coffee.

Everytime I've left, I've come back for the fellowship of family.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by i am travvy »

Congratulations on 1,000,000 posts!!

I have not been on this forum for very long, nor do I post that much but I am on this place every single day. I first found this forum as I was searching and researching for a new knife to buy. I was tired of the cheaper knives that would only last me a few months at a time. I stumbled upon the site and was looking around, reading all the posts and the very first thing I noticed was the kindness. As someone else stated in a previous post, there were no "search for it! It's been asked thousands of times already" replies. No trolls, no nonsense, just people helping others. I really liked that, it was different. After I made the decision to purchase an endura I decided to sign up on the forum and really check this place out. I started posting and reading and the people here are just amazing. But what really drew me in was when this guy named Sal replied to something I posted. I was like who is this Sal person? Why is his name different? Started looking around and was amazed that this was the owner of the company taking the time to comment on a post of mine. Never have I ever seen that. The more and more I'm here the more and more I see that this isn't just some company, or a forum, it's a family. that's what I love about this place. I dont feel like a number here, or some guy that bought one of our knives. I feel like part of the family and that's what makes me come back. thank you to everyone in the spyderco family.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by MichaelScott »

In April and May you can still expect one or two more snowstorms here. Life is generally slow and quiet, changing for a while during the summer months when visitors and tourists appear like dandelions in the yard. It’s not unusual to see local men wearing sheath knives in the local market or post office. Knives around here are generally thought of as tools, like your favorite screwdriver or wire cutters. In town, you can sometimes hear cattle lowing in the evenings. The nearest knife store that knows anything worth knowing about knives is almost two hours away and most people I know here couldn’t tell a Spyderco from a can opener.

For someone who has been fascinated with knives since boyhood, finding the Spyderco forums was more than a pleasant surprise, it was sort of like coming home to a place where everyone speaks a common language. And, perhaps more importantly, the forum behaves like a community in the old sense of the word, a community of interest and conversation moving around a commonly enjoyed topic, but self regulating in a delicate and subtle way. We can all get cranky, get our backs up and get bitten by the argument bug on occasion, but that seems to kick off a self-healing process within the forum and, perhaps after a certain amount of angst, the topics and people get back in focus and forum life continues.

For me, the Spyderco forum fills a void in my personal world. It allows me to talk with fellow knife enthusiasts and with the people who are responsible for designing, modifying and making what I consider to be quality expressions of their philosophies of the knife and how to conduct a business that seeks to offer their customers quality products made for both a purpose and the odd-ball esthetics that drive those of us fascinated by the knife.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Mushroom »

As a member with very few posts on these forums, I still check back to read new posts daily. Even though I'm a recently joined member, I'm not new to browsing these forums and reading whats going on in the Spyderco community! I've gone from average knife user to what I would consider Knife enthusiast in a couple years time not only with the help of Spyderco's products, but with these forums the most! The information being shared with each other is often times remarkable and very worthwhile! I've been able to learn a lot from these forums alone and for that I am very grateful, Thank you! As a studying Industrial Designer, to read posts and hear from Sal Glesser, himself, is incredibly inspirational! It almost makes me feel as if I'm part of the CQI department! To know my input is potentially valuable enough to be used as design research is extremely exciting for me!

The opportunity to learn presents itself in many ways, every day on this forum and i've already learned so much, for that I'm forever grateful! I very much appreciate the chance and am honored to be a part of these forums and plan to enjoy the rest of my time spent here! Thank you Spyderco and the Spyderco Forums! And congratulations to everyone for achieving such a great milestone!
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by Almoe66 »

I am a single father of a 14-year-old daughter. Five years ago, her mother and I divorced after spending seven years trying to save our marriage. My spouse during that time was an active drug addict and alcoholic. To this day, she fights with her recovery, often losing the daily battle.

So how does that land me here?

In honesty, I have no idea how I came to be here, but in the very short time I have, (very very short), I have found a small moment of distraction to the daily challenges of life. When my mind is focusing on the difficulties of the day, I know I can quickly log into the forum and escape for a few minutes, reset, and return to the challenges at hand.

Raising my daughter has been very difficult. She blames me for the divorce and in the past five years, she has not once said I love you dad. Recently, things with my daughter have become much worse. She is failing in school, refuses to go, and has a new “ailment” every day. We have met with the school psychiatrist and I have called the truant officer on her (just yesterday). Thankfully prior to the officer showing up in a sheriff’s car, she managed to get ready and go to school.

Lately, my mornings have been full of apprehension and challenge and I am trying like mad not to give up on her. Woe is me right? No, not at all. That is not my attitude. If she doesn’t express her love for me for the rest of my life or if we tackle the 6 year plan in High School, it doesn’t matter. I know that at the end of my days, when I lay my head to rest one final time forever, I can do so knowing I tried my absolute best to be the best father I could. In that, I find my solace.

A final thanks to the folks who contribute to this fine forum. Without ever knowing it, you are there when I need you.

One final statement, as I have already blown the 250 words. I do not want to be considered eligible for the prize as I have hardly contributed to the million posts. Perhaps if life shines on me, I can be around for the two million contest.

Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes.

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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by WorkingEdge »

I have had a pocket knife for as long as I can remember, likely due to the influences of my dad. No one else in the family shared our passion for knives and we were in fact considered quite odd. He passed away relatively suddenly. His physicians were powerless and my guilt was tremendous. What kind of son, what kind of physician was I that I cannot save my own father? After only one week in the hospital, there was nothing. Just a massive void. I pursued all things my father to fill that void and his passion for knives lead me here. Two months after his passing I joined this forum. What a godsend this place has been. And what better a father figure then Sal himself.
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by ChrisinHove »

I know why I like Spyderco tools, and why I like Spyderco the company, for no doubt the same reasons as everyone else, but why do I linger here, upon the Spyderco Forum?

I have a vision in my mind's eye, of a forebear in from the West Country fields, sitting down after a long day at a rough trestle of an ale & cider house, and placing upon it a crude iron blade perhaps hammered to shape and sharpened in a local smithy, perhaps even still damp from an unfortunate pig, and proudly declaring "Take a look at 'ee, tha's proper sharp!" to his friends.

Now, poor politics and foundless fears prevent such public appreciation. Instead, we come here, and can say to friends from factories, fields and offices, from oceans and wars, from all over the globe ...

"Take a look at 'EE, tha's PROPER sharp!!!"


Disclaimer: No Spyders were harmed (or improperly used) in the fabrication of the above fraudulent photograph!
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Re: 1,000,000 Post Celebration Contest!


Post by DougC-3 »

Ha Ha! Well said ;)
K-390 on hand: Mule Team 17, Police 4 G-10, Endela (burlap micarta), Endela backup, Endura (canvas micarta), Straight Stretch (now blade-swapped with G-10 Stretch), Delica Wharncliffe, Dragonfly Wharncliffe, & Dragonfly Wharncliffe shorty mod
Note to self: Less is more.