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Need link back to quoted posts,especially from other threads

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 7:46 pm
by DougC-3
Although it wasn't noticed by some, on the old forum, when quoting a post, the large quote marks on the right hand side of the quoted poster's name were a link back to the original post. This is nice but not essential when the post comes from the same thread -- you can just scroll back until you come to it if there's no link. But when the quoted post comes from another thread, like it almost always does in the "Sal's casual bombshell" thread, it is essential to have the back link to see the context of the quote.

If it's possible to provide a back link with this new forum, it would make the conversation much more informative and meaningful at times.

Thanks for listening, and all the other things you do to make these forums possible.