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"Topic Reply Notification" emails...

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:59 pm
by xceptnl
I think my settings are correct to NOT receive emails for every topic that you are subscribed to, yet y inbox is getting blown up. Any suggestions?

...ALSO, can the posts per page

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:34 pm
by xceptnl
Can we see an option for posts per page. I have always had really fast internet so 40 posts per page has been my usual on every vbulletin forum. My research says it is likely and admin setting.

Re: "Topic Reply Notification" emails...

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:05 am
by Dodge
I'm having the same issue. I got 10ish emails about threads is was subscribed to but had notification turned off.

In FAQ I learned that I need to book mark threads not subscribe. The problem is that all my previous posts are under the subscribe status so if I will loose then if I unsubscribe.

Re: "Topic Reply Notification" emails...

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:14 am
by rodloos
My issue is with the content of the notification emails. The old notification actually had the text of the post in the email. New system just says that a person replied to the thread, and has a link to the thread, but doesn't actually say what they posted.

Not trying to be picky, but *if* there is an option to retain the old functionality I'd sure prefer it. I do undestand there was a need to switch to the new system.

Re: "Topic Reply Notification" emails...

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2014 10:55 am
by xceptnl
To remedy the situation on my own for now I am just bookmarking each thread and then unsubscribing to them when I receive the emails. It will work itself out over time. I only have about 1200 +/- to switch over to bookmarks. :D :eek:

Re: "Topic Reply Notification" emails...

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 11:29 pm
by DougC-3
I actually like to get emails from all my subscribed threads -- I'm only subscribed to about 550 or so :) and of course most of them are inactive. I've set up a filter which diverts the notifications from my inbox to their own folder.

But my problem is, I'm not getting emails from threads I subscribed to in the old forums. I don't believe I've got a single email except from the ones I've newly subscribed to. Are you guys still getting emails when someone comments on a thread you haven't visited since the forum change? It looks like I'm going to have to resubscribe to all of them... right after I convert a couple of hundred forum reference URLs I've bookmarked in Chrome from the old forum addresses to the new ones... :o