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I have a question about "Q" spydies

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 1:00 am
by SpyderNut
Hi! I'm new here to the Spyderco forum page. I guess I joined up because I found folks that are crazy about Spyderco knives as much as I am. I had a question for you guys: I'm currently looking at spending $85.00 on a 'bug' model "Q" knife. I found it on the eBay action, and I watched it go from $19.00 right up to $76.00.

I hopped in the fray, and threw a bid in for $85.00. I have wanted to get one of these guys for a LONG time. I have read some of the articles you guys have posted, and I guess if you could tell me if this is a good price, of if I should let them out bid me, I would appreciate it. I am a big fan if Spyderco knives, and would love to collect as many as I can.

Hey thanks!


Michael Reinhold

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 3:57 pm
by Hoosierdaddy
Spydernut, welcome to the Spyderco forum! I paid 50 bux for my Q. There are some thread on here that will help you... check them out. That may be a little high, but they don't produce them anymore.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 4:58 pm
by chinook
Hard question to answer. Depends on your money situation and the availability. You can do a search on ebay for completed auctions to see what they have been going for and then how many are coming up. I see 4 of them coming due on 12/11.

Patience is usually rewarded, butt instant gratification is nice too. ><g>

Disguised as a responsible adult

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:51 pm
by SpyderNut
Thank you, Hoosierdaddy, for the info. on the "Q". I found that place in Texas that was recommeded in the forum that offered the "Q" in the 'HK' style. I think it was going for $55.00. The "Q" I bidded on is going out tomorrow night. I guess I was a bit hasty on that one........Oh well, It will be worth it. Man, 85.00 bucks.......

Thank you also, Chinook, for the helpful counsel. I have gotten a lot from just reading into the feedback from the different members. You guys are great.
I didn't even know that Spyderco made a pink cricket until I started reading some of the letters! This is some good stuff.

Thank you!


Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:52 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:12:22 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:52 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:13:14 PM

Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:13:50 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:52 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:14:27 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:53 pm
by panguero

Hold everything partner..Don't touch your mouse unless you are clicking through to this link:

$55.00 for a rare NIB Q-Knife and no bidding.

Myself and Lsaulog both scored one today. I'm guessing they have more. Click on order, call the 800 number, talk to the salesman.

Good Luck.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:53 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:15:16 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:54 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:15:54 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:59 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:16:31 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:59 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:16:55 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:59 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:11:22 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 8:59 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:10:16 PM

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 9:05 pm
by SpyderNut
Dang...How'd that happen? Sorry, everybody. I think I just sent out a hundred 'thank you's' to the forum......sigh.....I think my face is bright red right now. Just disregard those extras that I posted. Somebody shoot me quick!

A somewhat bewildered Spydernut

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 9:43 pm
by panguero
In general, disregard any error messages you get using this script. Messages always goes through first time unless you forgot to input your USR Name or PW. Hit refresh to read it.

Now, to clean-up the mess, just click on the magnifying glass icon above each erronious post and edit-out(deleate) all that redundant text. Just drop in an "oops" and that should help readers a bit.

Give me all your passwords and I'll take care of it for you (just kiddin')


Been there, done that........

Edited by - sharp1 on 12/7/2001 8:46:23 PM

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 2:42 am
by Hoosierdaddy

LOL Wow! I've never been thanked that much in my life! I think Chinook and Sharp1 are closer to the latest prices. I bought mine a year or so ago, NIB from a knife shop. It's a great knife, real light! Mine's full serrated not as rare as a P/E so I've heard.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 10:03 pm
by SpyderNut
Well, the auction is over, and I missed getting the "Q" by 1 dollar. Yup, I missed getting a fully serrated 'Bug' model by 100 hundred pennys. Ah, life is tough.
Truth be told, I guess I didn't really want to chuck out $86 anyway.
I am now looking at getting the Meerkat. I have priced 'em, and found that 'newgraham' knife center has them the cheapest. $37.42,
I think. I know the other places I checked had it for 37.95, which isn't all bad either.
I was wondering though, is the Meerkat one of those designs that will likely go out of production? I wouldn't mind having one anyway, what with the new 'phantom lock' to boot.

PS. In response to Tightwad's question, I guess I would enjoy a nice cut with the Spydercard. I already sliced myself good with it, so I got a idea what it will feel like.......anyway, what kind of question was that???

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 10:03 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:05:29 PM

Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:08:31 PM

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 10:03 pm
by SpyderNut
Edited by - Spydernut on 12/8/2001 9:06:43 PM