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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 12:00 am
by macnachtan
Why the name? Where was it derived from? I only own one Spyderco knife. My CO8GS Harpy G-10. Purchased it from a knife dealer NIB for $80 last May. Its came in handy many times for my line of work. Wouldnt part with it for the world.

Edited by - macnachtan on 10/4/2001 9:39:24 PM

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2001 11:17 pm
by Hannibal
So what kind of work do you do then? I own a Merlin, it's allmost the same. I wouldn't depart from it either, it comes in very handy in my kind of work too. <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>

Hannibal Lecter, M.D.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 11:52 am
by yog
Hi Macnachtan.
Spyderco say it is because it resembles the claw of an eagle.
Personally with the spyder hole acting as an eye I think it looks more like the head and beak of an eagle.

"Walk softly, but carry a big stick."

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 12:23 pm
by ruxton
yeah its taken from the harpy eagle's claw, but i think the harpy eagle was named after the mythical greek creatures from jason and the argonauts i believe, if i remember rightly they were winged beasties who lived in a cave and disemboweled anyone who got near them, their claws were shaped like the blade of the knife.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 7:33 pm
by macnachtan
To "Hannibal". 10,000 comedians out of work, and your trying to be funny.

To the rest of you:

My line of work? Im retired from the film industry. Now I write reviews, self help articals, and crime novels. For fun (And profit) I take out Llama Pack trips, or guided trail rides. I chose that knife because it looked like one that could cut through anything quick. So far I have used it to cut through ropes that have tangled around animals, cut through a rein that one of my animals managed to somehow get around his neck and started to strangle him, cut a client loose from an animal (Idiot wraped the rope around his arm to hang on. Part of the trail gave way and the llama went down the mountian. If it hadnt been for that knife the guy would have gone too!) use it to gut out game we kill, and used it in self defense ONCE.

As I said before. Its a great one to have, and I never regret buying it at that gun show last year.

Edited by - macnachtan on 10/5/2001 7:44:01 PM

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 7:47 pm
by macnachtan
Got me what happened here. Only clicked once! Humm. I hope the moderators catch it. Sorry!

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2001 8:13 pm
by toothed
Nice stories macnachtan. I think many of us would be interested in hearing more details of your adventures with the Harpy. Since the knife is so valuable for your line of work, maybe you should buy more G10 Harpys as backups. I don't know if you already know that the G10 versions have been discontinued. According to Spyderco these knives have not sold well--yeah, I can't believe it too! Anyway, search them out and stock up now before they're all gone. I'm looking forward for your future posts.

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 10:09 am
by macnachtan
Thanks Toothed. I noticed that and am looking into it. I see that some discount places have them. Are you aware of any sites on line that might? I know I payed $80 for mine and it had been around a while. The box was rather worn. Im also looking into buying a Civilian as Sarge said thats a good one, he heard. Only thing is I dont know what one looks like and I wont buy one without seeing it. It might not even be what I want.


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 11:16 am
by BladeMaster
macnachtan :
Look at the "Homage to the Civilian" thread to see some good pics of this knife.
I own a Harpy as well and I must admit that I love it.

The BladeMaster

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 11:17 am
by BladeMaster
Oooops, double post.

The BladeMaster

Edited by - BladeMaster on 10/6/2001 11:18:44 AM

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 1:28 pm
by toothed
macnachtan, I've seen G-10 Harpys selling for between $65 to $80 in the past but I would think that current asking prices should be moving toward the lower end of the range.

An alternative is to check out the stainless steel Harpy or the frn Merlin (which comes in plain edge--my favorite--or serrated). These blades are thick and suitable for utility use. Civilians are made for self-defense purposes and have longer blades with thinner tips. Because of the thinner tips Spyderco does not recommend nor nor provide warranty service for the Civilians if used for general utility work. It may or may not work for you, you should handle the actual knife before buying. The Matriarch is a hawkbill blade knife that is sized in between the Civilian and the Harpy--but then again, the Matriarch was designed primarily for self-defense like the Civilian (same not for utility use warning). From time-to-time people have been begging Spyderco to make a larger Harpy--I'd buy one too--maybe you can join in with us and start begging. <img src="wink.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle>

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 9:05 pm
by macnachtan
The Civilian looks like a nice tool. Can it be purchased by ANYONE, or do you have to be in Law Enforcement or the Military?

Looks about 1 1/2 to 2 inches longer than my Harpy. Is that correct?

A bigger Harpy? Why? I like mine just the size it is. Im a woman. I have small hands.


Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2001 10:52 pm
by chinook
The Civilian is not restricted as to who can buy it. The subjective difference in the feel of the Harpy and the Civilian may be much greater than the dimensions might suggest.

Disguised as a responsible adult

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 10:50 am
by macnachtan
Thank you for the pictures Chinook. I see that the Civilian IS a much thinner blade than my Harpy. However I still think it would be a good thing to have.

The reason I asked about the restrictions is because of the way Spyerco has it worded on their site. Although it wouldnt be a problem for me anyway. Oregon actually is quite layed back on their knife regulations. I like that. In some states they get their knickers in a knot just over a pocket knife. I carry both a USMC Camillus Utility Knife (The older ones. When they were made good), and my Harpy. I use my Harpy as a money clip. Yes folks there are other uses for that clip on the side! <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> As a matter of fact my husband dosnt even call it a Harpy. He just calls it my "money clip".

When Im out in the wilderness I also carry a Marto Exporer Survival knife. Anyone familiar with those? My husband bought two (One UDT, and one Stainless) at the Marine Corps PX in Quantico, VA in 1985.


Edited by - macnachtan on 10/7/2001 1:17:17 PM

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 6:12 am
by Hannibal
Would there be a smaller Harpy available than the standard size? I believe it is 16 cm's total. Is there a smaller one available?

Hannibal Lecter, M.D.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 6:21 am
by Hannibal
By the way, Hannibal Lecter used the Harpy to gut Pazzi and slice brother Thomas' throaght. I was wondering if anyone of you could find any serrations on that knife. I can't. I've watched the movie over a dosen of times but I still can't find the serrations, the screen sometimes is just too vague, he just moves the knife too fast for the camera to focus on it.

Anyone know more than I do? Please notify me!

Hannibal Lecter, M.D.

Edited by - Hannibal on 10/8/2001 6:22:14 AM

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 8:44 pm
by macnachtan
To Hannibal:

In the scene where he opens up the knife to slice Pazzi, and they show it up close, you can see it as plain as day. I remember this very well because when that scene showed my husband and I both looked at each other in shock and he said "He's got your money clip!".

Now when people see my knife they think of the movie. When I got it a year ago I just thought it looked like a handy knife! And it is! Wouldnt give mine up for the world.


"Im in my own little world. But thats ok, they know me there"

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 11:25 pm
by J Smith
If you really want a plain edge harpy why not check with spyderco and see if you could send them a PE merlin and a harpy and have them to switch the blades.Then you would have a PE Harpy and a ser. Merlin.


Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 11:40 pm
by Hannibal
I only have the Merlin. Serrated. When the salesman brought me both Merlin and Harpy, I really was doubting. I know it's stupid, but I bought the Merlin. I know it was the Harpy of course but the Merlin looked better at the time. Now I have used it a couple of times I think the owner woundn't trade it against a Harpy anymore either. Would he?

Hannibal Lecter, M.D.

PS: The Harpy Hannibal was holding was non-serrated? Good. I know I've watched the knife in the movie over and over but some people keep telling me the serrations just aren't visible. Also, it looks like his Harpy is a lot smaller than 16 cm's. Is this true?

Edited by - Hannibal on 10/9/2001 5:58:35 AM

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 7:03 am
by CalypsoKid
Hannibal, the movie "Hannibal" shows a plain edge stainless harpy but the book clearly states serrated Harpy but does not say stainless or G10. I tend to believe that HL would carry a G10 Harpy because it has a better grip for his kind of work and he goes out of his way to get the right tool for the job.

I'm inclined to believe that they ground the edge off a serrated Harpy or made a prop for safety reasons in the movie version. I doubt Anthony Hopkins would care to get cut.

I have a stainless serrated Harpy but if I could do it over again, I'd go with the G10.

I just with they had kept in the chapter about Donnie Barber in the movie. This is where HL buys all the knives when he returns to the US.


Edited by - CalypsoKid on 10/9/2001 10:49:35 AM