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Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:00 pm
by KaliGman
RIOT wrote:i think most of you that are getting all legal and crazy about this thread should review my first line i wrote!!

1. i didnt even know what the knife was

2. i dont even know if ill get it

btw my life is fine and im not some criminal

Since it seems you can’t take the time to read why a few people are concerned over your behavior, I thought I would gather the bolded information from the post that I asked you to read. Read this and you will see that you are putting yourself and Spyderco at risk of legal action:

What all of the above means to all the “knife people” on this forum is that Spyderco is complying with rulings and opinions handed down in the 10th Circuit, District of Colorado. As the District of Colorado is treating balisongs as automatic knives (switchblades), it is illegal for Spyderco to introduce into interstate commerce (i.e. to sell or ship such items outside of the state of Colorado) balisongs and automatic knives unless such knives are being sold to a distributer or dealer which has agreed to sell such items only to law enforcement or the military, or Spyderco sells the knives directly to the military or law enforcement officers. Spyderco distributors have signed agreements with Spyderco regarding this practice. If Spyderco discovers some distributor/dealer is not honoring their agreement, Spyderco will discontinue doing business with said dealer…

Please note that, if you can’t legally possess a Spyderco balisong or automatic knife and are crowing about your ownership of such a knife on a public forum, all you are doing is putting Spyderco in the cross-hairs of another potential federal investigation and are possibly inviting yourself along for the ride. In addition, you put every federal law enforcement agent on the forum who has jurisdiction in regard to U.S. Code Title 15, Chapter 29, Section 1241 in an awkward position. Does such an officer report you to ICE, initiate his or her own investigation, or what?...

Do I have better things to do than “worry” about you grabbing a few knives? Yes. Do I have better things to do than trying to keep the actions of one silly, newbie forum poster from stirring up another federal case against Spyderco when the company is trying to comply with the law? Maybe—but I like Spyderco and I have some friends who work there.

Also, just for your information, there are few things that get under a cop’s skin as much as being lied to by someone with whom they are talking. So your post goes:

"after i made this thread i realised that, anyways I was on the phone with the guy and he let me know he just got 7 of them in, while he was on the phone i looked around for it and told him to just ship it.”

Now you say you may not even get it? What changed? It sure sounds like you ordered the knife to me. Also, what happened to your Smallfly? You know, the one in this post:

You remember that one, the balisong knife that you aren’t legally able, under federal law, to buy. That post was one of the main reasons I wrote my long post “Reflections on Restricted Items.” You see, after seeing that post and a couple of others, I talked to Kristi about the fact that, as an Agent who had taken an oath to uphold federal law, people flaunting the law in front of me put me in a quandary. I did not wish to have to report them for investigation and was considering just leaving the forum as it was getting a bit uncomfortable for me. Instead, after determining that there would be a Restricted Items Forum, I decided to post in it and hope that people would “get the hint.”

I like this forum. I enjoy helping people out when they ask questions about self defense and other issues. I have decided not to leave the forum over this issue. Since you are apparently too dense to understand what is going on in regard to balisongs and automatic knives, I’ll make it easy. I don’t think your actions are worth federal investigative time. However, I cannot, in good conscience, sit here and watch you flaunt federal law, whether I happen to agree with that law or not. I believe your actions may be of interest to law enforcement in California. Therefore, I am going to bundle up all the nice information that you have provided on this forum, along with instructions on serving a 2703 preservation order for the information on Spyderco’s server and instructions on the proper format for a subpoena of any and all records pertaining to you held by Spyderco in any electronic, paper or other format, and forward it to some investigators for the State of California with whom I occasionally have to do business. Have a nice day.

Oh—I’m also putting you on “ignore.” Anyone who has been as silly as you have been in regard to this matter is definitely not worth my time.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 5:17 pm
relax already, i requested to have this thread deleted

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:20 pm
by ClockWork
Jeezz every one relax...

Interweb Nazi's calm down....

He hasn't murdered or Raped anyone.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:10 pm
by The Deacon
ClockWork wrote:Jeezz every one relax...

Interweb Nazi's calm down....

He hasn't murdered or Raped anyone.
You Sir, are out of line. KaliGman posted in what appears to be a futile attempt to explain that there can be serious negative consequences to the individual posting here about purchasing a restricted item, to the dealer selliing it to them, and to Spyderco itself, if that individual does not have a legal right to purchase said restricted item.

I understand and accept Riot's explaination that he was unaware the knife was an auto when he told the dealer to send it, but, as the old saying goes, ignorance of the law is no defense. On the other hand, assuming the dealer really was clueless as to what the Embassy was, perhaps Spyderco needs to either educate their dealers better, or have the packaging marked so that even the most "educationally challenged" stock clerk can figure out who they can and cannot be sold to.

Riot, whether you choose to believe it or not, KaliGman had YOUR best interests at heart when he posted here. Perhaps you should follow your own advice, and relax a bit, and read what's been posted with the assumption it's advice from a friend, not threats, not criticism.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:08 pm
by ClockWork
The Deacon wrote:On the other hand, assuming the dealer really was clueless as to what the Embassy was, perhaps Spyderco needs to either educate their dealers better, or have the packaging marked so that even the most "educationally challenged" stock clerk can figure out who they can and cannot be sold to.
What ever happened to Personal Responsibility

Dealers sign a Form 18 when the Buy Autos from a Distributor... and I'll bet that Spyderco makes the Distributors sign something else of the sort.

Its not Spyderco's job to babysit who has and who doesn't a certain product.

If someone decides to buy a Auto knife.... well thats there decision. They know they are violating federal law. And they know that they could get fined or whatever.
Nobody forced anyone to purchase a auto knife.

If you don't want to break the law. Don't Break the law.

Maybe I'm stepping out of my place here...
But I think you guys need to back off. I think its wrong for you guys to be harassing him.

I'm sure you guys will come and make some rebutel that makes a much better valid point. That decimates any of my points. But really? Is there a reason for all these threats and fighting and hostility.

Arent there bigger things that we could be squabbling over... instead of a 3 inch pocket knife?


Back to the threats.... Is that Really OK. I think thats really out of line. And in case your wondering I'm a NREMTB in "Emergency" (If you can call it Emergency lol) Medicane. So please don't threaten me. Threats are unbecoming.

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:13 pm
by Dr. Snubnose
RIOT wrote:relax already, i requested to have this thread deleted
First off You have the power to delete your own threads, no need to request it....Secondly KaliGman gave you way out early in this thread but you treated his advice with a very caviler attitude (2nd mistake) and this is some serious stuff...carrying it has nothing to do with are breaking federal law just by obtaining one....It's foolish to think those who are sworn to uphold the law are just going to turn their heads the other way, cause you think they should, or because we are all forum members here....Just my 2 cents....Doc :D

Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:29 pm
by LouDog5446
Somebody had a bad day..........
Anyways how 'bout them redwings?