Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Dark Encounter in the Sayan Mountains of Siberia / Sergei the Hunter

(Bargo Enigmas channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

CERN Scientists Build Demon Portals After the Eclipse

(MinutesOfHorror channel)

I totally feel that the true motivations behind CERN and similar facilities around the world are nefarious. They're not even trying to be secretive about it at CERN.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Werewolves' Reign of Terror in Brazil

(Paranormal Round Table channel)

The subject begins at 6:30:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Woman Dies, Shown the Hidden Realms and Her Life Between Lives! (NDE) / Mariko Frederick

(Next Level Soul Podcast channel)

*Video below*

If anyone follows this thread, they will know that every now and then, I like to post something positive here. Most often, the positive posts have to do with near-death experiences (NDEs). Because IMO, there needs to be a balance.

The vast majority of people equate "paranormal" or spiritual experiences with being creepy or scary. They view it from a fear-based perspective. And this especially includes many who consider themselves to be "people of faith."

I get it. Fear sells. It also has more entertainment value for the average person, whether they are a believer or a non-believer in the paranormal. I'm willing to bet that far fewer people actually watch the positive videos shared here than the ones that discuss the creepy aspects of the paranormal.

I have an interest in (and have had personal experiences with) both sides of the paranormal. However, I post more videos here of the creepy side because there are more of them posted on YouTube, and because people are generally more interested in them. However, my own real-life experiences with what is called the paranormal are HEAVILY skewed to the positive side; if I had to guess, probably 98% to 99% positive, which may be hard for many people to fathom. And as I've gotten more heavily into my own work, it continues to be more and more positive.

The guest, Mariko, is 100% correct when she says that in this realm, the less-evolved souls who incarnate into human lifetimes from the lower realms (my wording) play it big and completely own who they are; they are willing to live their life to its fullest potential, even if that potential is selfish/negative/evil. OTOH, many who incarnate with a higher purpose to do good here tend to "play small." They are often hesitant to be seen or heard, or to live up to their fullest potential. This is why the earth seems overrun with so much evil and negativity when, in fact, there is a LOT of light; it just doesn't get the same degree of attention, because it doesn't sell to the mass consciousness like darkness and fear does. It is OK to have an interest in, and awareness of, the darker aspects of the paranormal and the world in general; but one should be aware enough to NOT allow oneself to be consumed by the negative aspects of it.

The positive experiences actually transcend the so-called "paranormal," and are uplifting. They are empowering, as opposed to disempowering. This doesn’t mean gaining power over others. It means gaining greater power and insight into one’s own life’s purpose.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Something Unexplainable is Happening

(What Lurks Beneath channel)

Accounts of teleportation. I find this to be a fascinating subject. I've heard a few of these accounts before, especially the ones involving the Spanish nun who appeared in the American Southwest in the 1600s, and the Spanish soldier who suddenly appeared in Mexico City from Manila, Philippines, in the 1500s.

I really like this channel's host, Josh Nanocchio's style. He's simply great at what he does, and I like his style and delivery a lot more than Mr. Ballen's.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Japanese Children Who Remember Their Past Lives

(Mysterious Universe channel)

*Video below*

This is a very interesting discussion of cases of reincarnation.

I've mentioned this in previous posts, but I know that past lives/reincarnation are very real. Because I've seen (and more importantly, FELT) into some of my own past lives, and even know some things about a few of them; physical appearance, nationality, time period, etc. Others I only have very few vague details about (nationality or part of the world, occupation, general time period, etc.). I'm not special in that regard, nor are any other people who have either remembered past lives, or became aware later through hypnotic regression, meditation, working in their Akashic Records (like I did), etc.

A person's spiritual belief system, or lack of one, does not seem to make any difference at all in having had past life experiences, or in most reports of "afterlife" and "between life" experiences.

I believe that all humans have had many past lifetimes, but they simply don't remember, and/or don't have knowledge of, or acess to, methods that could help them to remember. Or they don't care because it's not on their radar, or they think that the idea of past lives and reincarnation is all hogwash.

Another point I'd like to make: Being reincarnated does NOT necessarily mean that you will come back physically resembling who you were in your previous lifetime. Nor does a soul necessarily reincarnate into the same race, nationality, or sex. For example, of the (at least) four or so of my past incarnations that I was able to actually see images of, none of them bore any physical resemblance to each other, nor to how I look in this lifetime. Your soul reincarnates to collect different experiences in order to learn, grow, and evolve from them. You couldn't do that if you kept coming back as essentially the 'same' person again and again.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Real Skinwalker Stories / Tales from the Reservation

(The Paranormal Files, Official Channel)

Encounters with skinwalkers and other, even more terrifying entities.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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Man Dies & Was Shown Many Worlds in This Profound Near-Death Experience (NDE) / Sal Adatsi

(Next Level Soul Podcast channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Desert Portal Death Cult

((The Confessionals channel)

This is a long video discussing this account, but IMO, it is well worth listening to. I listened to the entire episode, though admittedly in chunks throughout the day. It is one of the most detailed (negative) paranormal encounters related directly by an experiencer that I've ever heard. The level of detail, and his clarity for the timeline of the sequence of each event, makes this guest sound very credible.

The guest is one of those people who use the word "like" a lot, which many (including myself) may generally find annoying; but in some ways it helps to bolster his believability. He's clearly recalling details by memory, as opposed to reading off of notes. And it is a very freaky account, although I have heard other accounts by people who have had similar encounters with cult activity out in the CA deserts. However, THIS account takes the cake.

The story begins from 4:20:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

"I Smoked DMT and Met the Same Entity From My NDE (Near-Death Experience)"

(Holden Lee channel)

Personally, I would never recommend using drugs to have spiritual experiences, but that's just me. Fortunately, it seemed to have worked out all right for him that one time.

I do believe that psychedelic drugs actually open up the user's perceptions, mostly into the lower 4th dimension, where people often report terrifying visions and experiences. I believe that these are real experiences, and not mere hallucinations.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

How Did the Mandela Effect Start?

(MinutesOfHorror channel)

One point I will make regards the mention of some people remembering Twilight Zone and Night Gallery creator/host Rod Serling as Rod "Sterling," I ALWAYS clearly remembered his last name as "Serling," from way back when I was a kid. So I think that particular memory that some claim to have had about his last name was a false memory. I think some people subconsciously added the "T" to Serling to make it "Sterling". But other examples are NOT so easy to dismiss.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Creatures Between the Veil

(The Confessionals channel)

The subject begins at about 8:20:

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Singer Dies, Uncovers the Truth Behind Our Thoughts (Near-Death Experience)

(Tales Of Resilience channel)

This really has little or almost nothing to do with the 'paranormal' per se, but this thread is about 'unusual, and/or paranormal' experiences. She goes into how our own thoughts and beliefs that we carry really do affect our experiences in this life, both positively and negatively. I have found this to be 100% true.

Coming to that realization, and actually working on it every day, does not mean that everything will automatically change in your life. But they WILL change for the better, IF you are willing to do the work on yourself. The method I use is different from hers, but the important thing is having consistency with whichever method you use. My own self-work that I've done on myself, and that I continue to do every day, is what completely eliminated the depression I carried from my teens into my 40s.

BTW, she makes a little error near the beginning, when she says that cell phones weren't around before 2010. I think she meant the iPhone, and the subsequent modern style of smartphones, which actually began in 2007. I myself didn't get my first smartphone until 2021, after having had the same old flip phone since 2005. I only mention this so that anyone who may find value in her message will not be put off by that little mistake, because she speaks very real truths.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

"WARNED Not to Talk About This! Vatican Preparing Guidelines for Apparitions"

(MinutesOfHorror channel)

The things discussed in this video are very important. IMO, there are a LOT of reasons why more and more real "supernatural" activity is being reported, and it has to do with MUCH MORE than only the greater spread of information through the internet. And even more than what CERN and other, similar facilities around the world are doing. But they are definitely leading the way in opening up portals to the lower 4th dimension, which they are purposely using to connect with, and bring through, "dark" energies and entities.

Who cares what the Vatican has to say about anything? Personally, I neither trust nor follow any organizations or "-isms" of any kind, and I haven't for a very long time, meaning for decades.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Red Alert: School Alien Invasion Protocols, Vatican Update & Demon Face Warnings

(The Cryptid Huntress channel)

This video couldn't be embedded. Apparently, this video has been flagged by YouTube because of the subject matter, none of which is inappropriate, by the way. So you only get a link to watch it on YouTube.

The discussion begins at 4:30:

https://www.youtube.com/live/0l0wanZvow ... Mby_lCTFuA

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Nevada Woman Speaks Out After This Chilling Experience

(What Lurks Beneath channel)

Reports of encounters with bizarre, bird-headed humanoids.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Creature Seen During Solar Eclipse is Back!!

(MinutesOfHorror channel)

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Girl Missing in Denver Airpprt! Harper Cadman Update

(MinutesOfHorror channel)

Nothing paranormal about this story (as far as I can see), but it is definitely very weird indeed. It gets even weirder the further into it you go.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Black-Eyed People Encounters - Remote Viewing Investigation

(The Cryptid Huntress channel)

Odd that this video doesn't embed here. Nothing about the subject matter is inappropriate. Some people may find some of it to be scary or disturbing, but that's all.

The subject begins at 4:55:

https://www.youtube.com/live/1oUUhC_Eyk ... Dmrx4ffDlH

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

"Most Terrifying Being That Scared Me ... Soul Eaters"

(Shanclen Shadow Productions channel)

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