A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers

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A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by JD Spydo »

In the "Horror Movie Thread" that Brother James recently started we kind of went down some different rabbit holes of a lot of the horrible serial killers and satanic ritual killers that are undoubtedly among us and recently getting higher in numbers as well. In that thread we spoke of many un-solved crimes like the "Black Dahlia" murder and other dark histories of Hollywood. But also when you consider the escalation of "school shootings", demonic cults, street gangs and organized gangs in general along with more random killings throughout the USA we can't hide our head in the sand anymore IMO.

No it's not a pleasant subject to talk about. But many times being aware of a problem is a big step toward solving it or at least making it better. Personally I'm convinced that there are some rogue mind control operations going awry as well as a growing interest in Satanism and other dark forces behind the scenes. I'm also convinced that there are gangs and hate groups growing in numbers exponentially as well. in the big picture society as we've known it for years is rapidly degrading and the stress of everyday living is getting more intense.

We have historically talked a lot about basic self defense on these sub-forums here at Spyderville and we have shared a lot of great information on the subject of self defense and being armed and ready to defend ourselves when necessary. But in this case I believe that overall "awareness" and education just might be your biggest tool for avoiding and recognizing the growing dangers and dark elements of our society getting more and more prevalent. It's been over 40 to 50 years since the Manson Murders and the Jonestown slaughters were in the headlines. But I'm sad to say that I feel like the table might be set even for something even worse than those horrible events. The evening news can often be devastating to watch. So how can we as decent freedom loving, GOD fearing citizens do something to make this society a safer place>> and to protect ourselves and loved ones as well?
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Daveho »

Not much for it-
I mean, I belive with advancements in crime solving the instances of prolific serial killers dropped however mass shootings and bombings are up comparatively I would suspect.
Ultimately you play the odds and take what’s statistically best I suppose, move to a safer town or country, don’t have a gun in the home, avoid the shifty areas, don’t be the easy target and maintain some level of alertness.

I will say that the God fearing attribute piqued my interest, as historically that has not been a disqualifying factor for killing-
As a side note, you should read up on Satanism as you may find it interesting to know what it’s actually about.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by James Y »

Moving to a safer town or country may or may not make a difference. Someone like that could strike anywhere, the same with mass shootings. How often after a big crime do we hear people say, "Things like this don't happen in our town. They only happen in other places." Sadly, it's become a cliche.

As far as serial killers, I don't know if they're necessarily on the rise, so much as there is greater awareness now through the Internet. There have always been those types of people, and in the past, many would have more easily flown under the radar, IMO. I suspect it's similar with dark covens, that now there is generally more awareness of their existence, whereas in decades past, more people would have laughed at and completely discounted the idea of their existence.

Now, school shooters have definitely increased a thousand-fold. I remember back in 1979 when I was in high school, a local girl, Brenda Spencer, shot up an elementary school from her yard, and it was BIG news. When asked by police why she did it, her response became famous: "Because I don't like Mondays.". Tragically, nowadays, these incidences are common, but back then it was still highly unusual.

As a professional massage therapist, I worked on a survivor of the Las Vegas massacre; she had been at that concert, and her legs especially had really been scraped up, and her back was in pain from what had happened during the chaos of the escape. And she was still dealing with the trauma, including survivor's guilt.

As for me personally? I always try to maintain awareness, but at the same time, I also don't let it consume me. If you allow it to consume you, then that is all you will see. It's really like driving a car on the road. And being aware that a certain percentage of people are psychopaths (some say 1 percent, though I suspect it's much higher than that). Keep in mind, not all psychopaths are murderers; in fact, most are not. But it comes out in other ways.

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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by JD Spydo »

Daveho wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:30 pm
Not much for it-
I mean, I belive with advancements in crime solving the instances of prolific serial killers dropped however mass shootings and bombings are up comparatively I would suspect.

I will say that the God fearing attribute piqued my interest, as historically that has not been a disqualifying factor for killing-
As a side note, you should read up on Satanism as you may find it interesting to know what it’s actually about.
The two forms of Satanism I'm usually referring to are the "Leveyan" Satanism ( Anton Szandor Levey) and the underground Satanism practiced at cult hangouts like Bohemiam Grove. And I can assure you the only god they have any fear of is the one with the horns so to speak. Notice I didn't put that god in capitol letters.

Now on the other hand when I refer to GOD fearing decent people I'm referring to the GOD of the Bible which I personally believe in. I hope that kind of clears the air a bit. I know little about the gods of the other world religions I'm sort of ashamed to say as I should learn more about what I don't believe in versus what I do adhere to.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by JD Spydo »

Well Jim for years I also thought that finding the ideal place in the country or in the Rocky Mountains would make my life safer and more tranquil. But with all the things that have transpired in the past 20 years or so I'm not sure there is any such thing as a "Safe Place" on planet earth. Now I do think there is what you can refer to as relative safety. Like for instance where I'm living at now has 24 hr security and round the clock video monitoring and we've had no crime at all in the 2 years I've lived here. But again that doesn't guarantee future results.

Because what's to say that the very nice lady that lives next door to me couldn't at some point go bunkers with a loaded automatic weapon or a large amount of Cyanide and totally make the front pages of every news source in the Western World. Because who could have accurately predicted "Columbine" for instance? Or who could have accurately predicted the Virginia Tech Shootings. And the reason I use those two examples is that neither one of those venues were in ghettos or high crime areas. And I would bet that both venues were considered extremely, relatively safe until those unforeseen malevolent events happened>> almost at random in some respects.

No you've got to be on your toes 24/7 in this modern, Brave New World we're currently living in.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Daveho »

JD Spydo wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 11:36 am
Daveho wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 9:30 pm
Not much for it-
I mean, I belive with advancements in crime solving the instances of prolific serial killers dropped however mass shootings and bombings are up comparatively I would suspect.

I will say that the God fearing attribute piqued my interest, as historically that has not been a disqualifying factor for killing-
As a side note, you should read up on Satanism as you may find it interesting to know what it’s actually about.
The two forms of Satanism I'm usually referring to are the "Leveyan" Satanism ( Anton Szandor Levey) and the underground Satanism practiced at cult hangouts like Bohemiam Grove. And I can assure you the only god they have any fear of is the one with the horns so to speak. Notice I didn't put that god in capitol letters.

Now on the other hand when I refer to GOD fearing decent people I'm referring to the GOD of the Bible which I personally believe in. I hope that kind of clears the air a bit. I know little about the gods of the other world religions I'm sort of ashamed to say as I should learn more about what I don't believe in versus what I do adhere to.
You should do yourself a favour and pick up a copy of the satanic bible and actually read it as I think you will find that it is so very different from what you think it is as what ever source you currently have is not unbiased.
Fun fact: more Christians believe in Satan than do Satanists.

As for bohemian grove, well once we start throwing Alex Jones level conspiracies at it then obviously the lizard people, Freemasons and the greys are all suspects, why just blame the satanic death cults?
Oh and the Illuminati, those cheeky guys are always in the mix.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Naperville »

I have thought long and hard abt being attacked, maimed and killed by a gang banger or wack-job, that is why I moved out of Chicago. I could not take the stress of having to mentally engage the world as if I lived in a war zone 24x7x365. Going out to the car parked in the street with my head on a swivel was stressful. Parking in the garage to the rear of the home, just off the alley, forget abt it. I moved. The reason why I moved is because YOU cannot protect yourself. The people elected to run most inner cities (leftists) made self defense a crime.

If you cannot protect yourself - YOU are a sitting duck waiting for expungement from the Earth.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by ferider »

JD Spydo wrote:
Tue Apr 23, 2019 7:02 pm
But I'm sad to say that I feel like the table might be set even for something even worse than those horrible events. The evening news can often be devastating to watch. So how can we as decent freedom loving, GOD fearing citizens do something to make this society a safer place>> and to protect ourselves and loved ones as well?

If you are talking about mass murders, don't allow the media (including social media) to dive into every bit of detail and rumor about the killers, 24/7, for several weeks at a time. I mean, 1st Amendment and all - they can publish what they want, but we don't have to consume it, we don't have to participate in rubbernecking .... Does it really matter what emotional, family, etc., background a mass murderer has ? I basically stopped using FB a year back, for that reason among others. And never used Twitter. And switch the channel on TV if necessary.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Evil D »

I'm certain more people have died over the years "in the name of God" than in the name of Satan, but we should try to not make this discussion about religion.

I think a big part of it is our limitless access to information. I don't know if murder happens more these days or if we just collectively know about it now, whereas 50 years ago if someone killed a few people 5 states away you may never hear about it unless it stirs enough interest to be labeled a serial killing. Ultimately I think the media plays a big part in force feeding people all this negative crap. The world isn't as horrible as they make it out to be.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by JD Spydo »

Evil D wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:24 pm
I'm certain more people have died over the years "in the name of God" than in the name of Satan, but we should try to not make this discussion about religion.

I think a big part of it is our limitless access to information. I don't know if murder happens more these days or if we just collectively know about it now, whereas 50 years ago if someone killed a few people 5 states away you may never hear about it unless it stirs enough interest to be labeled a serial killing. Ultimately I think the media plays a big part in force feeding people all this negative crap. The world isn't as horrible as they make it out to be.
I've actually considered the acceleration of information via the internet versus what we use to have back in the 80s for instance. And there might be an argument to be made that we may indeed just might be more aware of what is going on. However on the other hand I've talked to a couple of guys who are police here in the area I live>> one is a county sheriff's deputy and the other is a city policeman here where I live. Both of them have told me some sobering things concerning the escalation of violent crimes especially among families which kind of disturbs me. They also both concurred that crimes against children have increased quite a bit in the past 5 years or so.

But I maintain my stance on the subject. I've lived on this planet for 65 years now and I know what I see and experience now at this time compared to what I dealt with 20 to 30 years ago and the difference is staggering. Many years ago I didn't hear nearly as much about this explosion of human trafficing or nearly as much about horribly hideous crimes like child pedophilia and the unspeakable things that are being done to people from other countries that are being enslaved here in the USA through organized crime and human trafficing. Both of my Police friends concur with me on those subjects. Drug oriented gangs are getting worse in the bigger metropolitan areas here in the USA in spite of what many people refuse to believe.

I maintain we are truly in a bad situation in this country ( USA) and I believe it's getting exponentially worse in cities like Chicago, L.A. and not to mention the human waste factory that San FRancisco has turned into. Talk to people that live in these **** holes if you think I'm exaggerating. Even here in Kansas City there are now places so dangerous in parts of the city that you can't hardly get police to even show up in 911 calls. My 2 Police friends have told me some very sobering facts that is going on that the news media just sweeps under the rug. Oh one more fact to consider>> prisons are one of our biggest industries in this country and they are getting even bigger. Not to mention the private prisons like Wackenhut and Correction Corp of America along with a couple of other new companies in that field. I never thought I would ever see the day that Prisons and corrections would offer more job opportunities than manufacturing companies>> but that does seem to be the case.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Daveho »

Evil D wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:24 pm
I'm certain more people have died over the years "in the name of God" than in the name of Satan, but we should try to not make this discussion about religion.
Your right to be cautious about discussing religion and I have no desire to pursue the discussion-just pointing out that baseless derision of an entire group is not beneficial and undermines his premise a bit.
JD Spydo
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by JD Spydo »

Daveho wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:16 pm
Evil D wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:24 pm
I'm certain more people have died over the years "in the name of God" than in the name of Satan, but we should try to not make this discussion about religion.
Your right to be cautious about discussing religion and I have no desire to pursue the discussion-just pointing out that baseless derision of an entire group is not beneficial to the discussion.
I didn't intend on going off subject and/or making this a "religious" subject per se. I just mainly made mention of it as a comparison more or less.

But in spite of the fact that most people in this current time are gravitating away from traditional religious beliefs there are still some solid family units out there. I also think it's fair to say that most people deep in their heart know the difference between "GOOD" and "EVIL".

Most of us growing up had role models that we looked up to. But in the past 10 years or so I'm seeing people who no longer having rigid principles that govern their lives. Also the lack of family structure has played a big part in the slow but sure destruction of our society. There are complete athiests that have good moral structure in their lives and also have great family units. So it's probably fair to say that in the big picture the slow destruction of the family unit is the biggest factor that is contributing to the slow but sure destruction of our society.

The bottom line I believe that the destruction of the traditional family is probably the biggest factor in this explosion of violence and depravity that continues to go down hill. But there are also factors of hopelessness, depression and ultimately no hope of ever improving their lot in life. Whether you're religious or not the lack of hope and the lack of love in a person's life I believe is a big cause of this explosion of crime.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Evil D »

Daveho wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:16 pm
Evil D wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:24 pm
I'm certain more people have died over the years "in the name of God" than in the name of Satan, but we should try to not make this discussion about religion.
Your right to be cautious about discussing religion and I have no desire to pursue the discussion-just pointing out that baseless derision of an entire group is not beneficial and undermines his premise a bit.
Baseless? Did you not have history in school? Do you not realize that it's still happening right this very second around the other side of the globe? Let me try to explain this without making this a religious debate...because for the record, I really don't care, I have no feelings for or against any religion so try not to take any of this as bashing your or anyone's beliefs.

My comment wasn't meant to slander an entire religion, but it is still fact. How many wars have been fought where at least one side believed they were doing God's will? There are groups right now at war that have been at war for longer than we've been alive and both sides believe they're killing for a higher power. My point was that even if just one of those wars happened, which they absolutely did, then more murder has been done at the hands of people who justified it as being done for a divine purpose than there have been by some satan worshiping nutjobs who murder as a sacrifice. Men have always tried to justify hurting each other and religion has no doubt been one of the biggest tools used to kill, regardless of it being Christianity or Satanism or any of the religions that are currently murdering each other "in the name of their god".
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by The Meat man »

JD Spydo wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:54 pm
Most of us growing up had role models that we looked up to. But in the past 10 years or so I'm seeing people who no longer having rigid principles that govern their lives. Also the lack of family structure has played a big part in the slow but sure destruction of our society. There are complete athiests that have good moral structure in their lives and also have great family units. So it's probably fair to say that in the big picture the slow destruction of the family unit is the biggest factor that is contributing to the slow but sure destruction of our society.

The bottom line I believe that the destruction of the traditional family is probably the biggest factor in this explosion of violence and depravity that continues to go down hill. But there are also factors of hopelessness, depression and ultimately no hope of ever improving their lot in life. Whether you're religious or not the lack of hope and the lack of love in a person's life I believe is a big cause of this explosion of crime.

I agree 100% Joe.

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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Daveho »

Evil D wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 4:37 am
Daveho wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 9:16 pm
Evil D wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:24 pm
I'm certain more people have died over the years "in the name of God" than in the name of Satan, but we should try to not make this discussion about religion.
Your right to be cautious about discussing religion and I have no desire to pursue the discussion-just pointing out that baseless derision of an entire group is not beneficial and undermines his premise a bit.
Baseless? Did you not have history in school? Do you not realize that it's still happening right this very second around the other side of the globe? Let me try to explain this without making this a religious debate...because for the record, I really don't care, I have no feelings for or against any religion so try not to take any of this as bashing your or anyone's beliefs.

My comment wasn't meant to slander an entire religion, but it is still fact. How many wars have been fought where at least one side believed they were doing God's will? There are groups right now at war that have been at war for longer than we've been alive and both sides believe they're killing for a higher power. My point was that even if just one of those wars happened, which they absolutely did, then more murder has been done at the hands of people who justified it as being done for a divine purpose than there have been by some satan worshiping nutjobs who murder as a sacrifice. Men have always tried to justify hurting each other and religion has no doubt been one of the biggest tools used to kill, regardless of it being Christianity or Satanism or any of the religions that are currently murdering each other "in the name of their god".
I think you need to re read what I wrote as that’s exactly my point and my post was pointing out that generalising an entire group on your perception religious affiliation is problematic.
... or did they not have reading at your school?
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


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They did have reading but I failed debate class so you guys have fun with this one.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Bloke »

There’s something wrong with human nature.

Apart from our share of psychopaths, drug crazed, social misfits of every description and mentaly ill we have a serious problem with violence against women.

Here in Australia, I’m embarrassed to say, on average one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner.
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by Mad Mac »

Baseless derision... What about informed criticism ?

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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by JD Spydo »

Bloke wrote:
Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:05 am
There’s something wrong with human nature.

Apart from our share of psychopaths, drug crazed, social misfits of every description and mentaly ill we have a serious problem with violence against women.

Here in Australia, I’m embarrassed to say, on average one woman a week is murdered by her current or former partner.
BLOKE it's interesting you bring up domestic violence ( Particularly against women & children). My two friends who are both police I talked about in one of my earlier posts both told me that when they are called to domestic violence cases they said it's getting worse. They both also told me that more children are getting beat up as well as the mothers in many cases>> they also told me that there are few calls they dread more than domestic violence calls.

Here in the USA the financial strain is escalating as I suspect it is in other western and industrialized countries as well. Now whether or not extreme financial problems are contributing to these outrageous violent crimes I have no idea>> I suspect it is a factor in some cases. Certain crimes like the October, 2017 Las Vegas shootings which to this day make no real sense to me at all. I have a couple of theories about that one but I really do not want to hear the term "conspiracy theory" again anytime soon if I can avoid it. I've often wondered how that one can be called a "conspiracy theory" when we had over 50 dead bodies laying on the ground :confused: And why is someone searching for the raw truth now being labeled a "Conspiracy theorist" in so many of these strange and senseless crimes? :confused: :confused: I've yet to have any the naysayers be able to give me a viable, rational definition of that term but yet have several of the same flakey individuals call me that continually. But yet they don't even know what it is :rolleyes: :confused: go figure

But this violence against women and children is truly out of hand in many places all over the globe>> oh but I guess that's a conspiracy theory too :rolleyes: even though it's 1000% documented :(
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Re: A Sad Fact Of Life: Serial & Ritual Killers


Post by James Y »

Regarding domestic violence: yes, it is one of the most-feared calls the police can get. Sometime back in the late 1980s, when I was living overseas in Taiwan, I got news that a former childhood playmate who had later become a Los Angeles police officer, had been shot and killed as he and his partner were responding to a domestic violence call.

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