J.D. Smith Foliage Green G-10 Sprint Run®
$219.95 MSRP
J.D. Smith is a longstanding member of the Knifemakers' Guild and an ABS Mastersmith. In the 90s he designed and made a tactical-style folder for his own personal use, crafted using advanced materials yet also managing to delight the eye. His design eventually developed into the Spyderco C58 J.D. Smith CLIPIT® and new for 2009, Spyderco is re-releasing a Sprint Run (limited in number) with a foliage green G-10 handle.
One unique feature of the design is the Spyderco Trademark Round Hole strategically positioned on the Flat Ground VG-10 blade so there is no pronounced hump. This gives the folder an aesthetic, streamlined shape starting from the blade's tip to the end of the handle. Blade length is 3-13/16" (97mm) and comes only in a PlainEdge configuration. In keeping with J.D.'s style and preference for quality materials, the handle is foliage green G-10 and flares slightly where it joins to the handle creating a finger choil and guard. Four-way ambidextrous steel clip.
Please note the production knife has a Full Flat Ground blade, the prototype pictured above has a Hollow Ground blade.