Social networks vs. forums - possible return of content to the forums?

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Re: Social networks vs. forums - possible return of content to the forums?


Post by Ankerson »

Scandi Grind wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 8:01 pm
OK, in simplest terms my instructors got banned for posting gunsmithing videos. This was either intentional or totally arbitrary. Either way it happened, and I'm sure anyone here can infer what they will from that. Or you can assume I'm making it up, which is up to each person's discretion of course.

YT doesn't just shut down channels for no reason or because they are bored on a Sat night. ;)

That's all I am going to say here.
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Re: Social networks vs. forums - possible return of content to the forums?


Post by Scandi Grind »

Well, I have no problem if that's your opinion, I just can't pretend something that happened, didn't happen after all because "youtube wouldn't do it."
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Re: Social networks vs. forums - possible return of content to the forums?


Post by Naperville »

Scandi Grind wrote:
Wed May 08, 2024 7:10 pm
My gunsmithing instructors had their content banned from youtube, so stuff like this is nothing new to me. And no it is not because they were promoting violent or stupid behavior, they are some of the best instructors in the world. It is really just a continued effort at an anti-weapon agenda, that in essence is actually an anti-tool agenda, because businesses and government don't want us to be able to do things on our own, especially defend ourselves. Now that so many people are hooked on youtube and the like, they are taking advantage of their leverage to try and paint their own version of reality. My dad said he had a computer teacher once who always said, "Perception is reality," and while this statement is untrue, it works pretty well on the general populous.
My comment is not political, it is just an observation on how things typically go.

I don't think everything needs to be on YouTube but finding a place that everyone agrees with for a particular subject matter is difficult to find.

For years I have been downloading videos from streaming services. I keep waiting for some unpreventable attack and the kneejerk reaction from Congress will be a nationwide ban on martial arts or shooting hobbies(and while I don't own a firearm, my money goes to FPC and GOA). It's coming, mark my words. There are lunatics willing to hurt someone, and there are lunatics in Congress willing to ban almost anything.

But why do we need protection?

We need the TSA and they should be at the rail yards too. People will bring a butcher knife or firearm onto a plane or train and for me, I'd like to not be bothered flying or taking rail without some armed lunatic in a tight space.

It's the media primarily. More people die every year putting things into their uhhhmmmm "cavities" than die from AR-15's. Yet there are shops selling these insertables all over the Internet.


Just my opinion.
I support the 2nd Amendment Organizations of GOA, NRA, FPC, SAF, and "Knife Rights"
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