12-20-2012 poll

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do you think the world is going end somehow on 12-20-2012?

i dont know but im aware of this.
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12-20-2012 poll


Post by RIOT »

this poll i bring up is only because i keep hearing people talking about how right now is the best time to buy a home.

in my eyes if so many people are talking about 2012 and the world could end, maybe in that time would be the best time to buy.

i know alot of people have heard of the movies, youtube videos, words around and even religion.

i dont know, and im pretty open minded about it honestly, ive seen documentaries on this and alot of religion calendars stop on 12-20-2012, without getting into religion as the main topic, i wanted to get a simple toll on what people think. you can poll it and not comment if youre ashamed about your answer. im clicking i dont know.

i bought my first home 3 1/2 years ago at the VERY worst time here in California, i let it go because of how much it dropped in price, i think the longer people wait the housing market is going to keep dropping with what is going on with our economy. btw because of my house i let go i am NOT in the position to buy another anyways but if i was i would keep waiting.

are people going to be partying on 12-19-2012 lol kidding
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Post by sarguy »

I recall a few different guests on Coast to Coast AM offering their respective theories. One theory I thought kind of funny was that the "end of the world" was really a shift in consciousness or the ushering in of a new "age of (insert zodiacal sign here)". How...ethereal.

Still, should be a great excuse to throw one heck of a party!
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Post by RIOT »

sarguy wrote:I recall a few different guests on Coast to Coast AM offering their respective theories. One theory I thought kind of funny was that the "end of the world" was really a shift in consciousness or the ushering in of a new "age of (insert zodiacal sign here)". How...ethereal.

Still, should be a great excuse to throw one heck of a party!

LOL seriously.

id like to get an astronomers outlook on this too, i guess it has alot to with the planets aligning somehow, like i said who knows but with all the hype ?

there is a documentary at best buy on it if you are interested in it, kind of a trip with all the factors involved.
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Post by The Mastiff »

I've watched catstrophists for over 30 years have different scenarios and EOTW dates. The time around Y2K was a great example. During that year there was not only y2k, but the supposed alignment of the planets on 5/5/01 ( or some such date) which would cause a pole shift. There was also the return of Naribu (spelling?) during that time.

Going back farther we had the cold war, we had the scientists telling us that we were headed for an ice age. Nuclear war ( and nuclear winter, since shown to be mostly a trumped up theory that was pushed by leftist groups from enviro to communist bankrolled leftist groups) was just a matter of when, not if.

Etc., Etc, Etc. Global warming hysteria to me is just another fad that also happens to be promoted mainly by leftist groups. The difference is they now have a majority of the media helping promote their scams unlike past ones. Media trumpets "consensus", and our children are taught that there is despite the fact that there is now, nor has there ever been a consensus about it. Despite all the evidence to show the science is suspect at the very best, and just plain made up the left is not backing down one bit.

The old adage states" it's easier to sell a big lie than a small one" seems true here anyway.

We will certainly face catastrophes on the earth in the future. It's inevitable. When or what are not known at this time.

My front runners are 1) Super volcano: Yellowstone is 40-60,000 years over due, stretched out like a balloon waiting to burst

2) asteroid, or comet: When or where who knows. It's doubtful us riff raff would be told ahead of time due to the collapse of order that would occur.

The amount of time in earths history where it has been hospitable to people, and civilization building is minute in the timeline of history. More of an abberation than a norm.

Remember, we still are between ice ages. There will be another.
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Post by The Deacon »

Joe, I'm with you almost 100%. My best guess is that Pogo got it right, "we've met the enemy and he is us". The most likely "natural disaster" is that humanity will over copulate itself into a worldwide famine. Mass starvation, disease and pestilence will follow. Yellowstone the only thing that might get us first.
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Post by JLS »

Well, I've never been a homeowner up to this point because I don't see any of the houses that I can realistically afford as being worth 30 years of my life. So until that time, I continue to rent. That decision has been looking a bit more wise over the past 2 years, though prices still aren't what I consider to be realistic.

One thing that I am quite sure of is that we can't keep going like this forever. The last 10 years have been a unrealistic economic nightmare, IMO and something has to change. The change could be gradual if everyone just accepted reality, but I am more inclined to believe that it will be "fine" until it's at the breaking point. Then we're going to have a massive change nearly overnight. Those won't be fun times, but after that, you can only go up.
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If it goes down...I want to photograph it!


Post by Toad310 »

Well, If I am wrong and the world ends on that date, I want to photograph it!

I want an "All Access" credential to the end of the world!

Unrestricted Access - No escort Required.

Anyone know who is handling the PR, and publicity for the 2012 End? I Have a feeling it will like getting a photo credential to the Superbowl. I have had a few of those in the past - not easy to come by.

Really, I want to be the Official Photographer to The End of the World!
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Post by Sequimite »


Since you state it in political terms you proclude any substantive discussion.

I'll just state that you are wrong about there having been a scientific consensus on a coming ice age. Then, as now, the press takes the most sensational ideas and runs with them, rather than reporting science seriously.

As for global warming, I'm not surprised by the number of deniers, but I am surprised that they always state the issue as black or white, 100% certainty in either case. Shouldn't we be able to agree that even if the odds are longer than scientific research and analysis indicates, the size of the potential threat demands that it be taken seriously.
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Post by Sequimite »

My wife and I are great Coast to Coast fans and as I understand it, in 2012 there will be a rain of meteorite, super-volcanos erupting, massive tidal waves, recording setting earthquakes, tidal waves, unprecedented winds, attacks from yettis, various water monsters, vampires, aliens and killer bees, plus EMP and nuclear war.

I know I'm forgetting some, but that should do the trick.
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Post by D1omedes »

I think this 2012 stuff is complete bull. If people were so convinced that the world was going to end, why wouldn't they just quit their jobs and go on a spending spree before they die? Why bother sending your young kids to school if the world will end by 2012? People love to dramatize everything and sensationalism always sells.

I disagree with Mastiff and Deacon on the global warming thing, however. As much as there is a tendency on the left to blow things out of proportion, there is a similar back lash on the right to bury their heads in the sand and deny everything. I don't think all the crap we (humans) have done to the earth since the Industrial Age has had no effect on climate.

I do agree with both of you, however, that Yellowstone is a scary possibility. I think we have less of a chance to deal with that scenario than we do with a giant asteroid/comet. Best thing you can do is live a good life and hope for the best.
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Post by Sequimite »

The fact that, for at least the last two millennia, people absolutely love to predict the imminent end of the world is a real window into human psychology. We all love to see ourselves in dramatic roles and the end of the world is a perfect backdrop for our imagined performance.

Coast to Coast has built part of its popularity on consistently fear mongering about how awful everything is going to become any day now. Come to think of it, there are any number of radio programs dedicated to the proposition that everything is going to **** and the end is near.
Our reason is quite satisfied, in 999 cases out of every 1000 of us, if we can find a few arguments that will do to recite in case our credulity is criticized by someone else. Our faith is faith in someone else's faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case.
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Post by HotSoup »

I guess Im the only one who voted yes.

I'm just saying YES to have an excuse to throw an EPIC end of the world party.
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Post by 2cha »

D1omedes wrote:I think this 2012 stuff is complete bull. If people were so convinced that the world was going to end, why wouldn't they just quit their jobs and go on a spending spree before they die? Why bother sending your young kids to school if the world will end by 2012? People love to dramatize everything and sensationalism always sells.

I disagree with Mastiff and Deacon on the global warming thing, however. As much as there is a tendency on the left to blow things out of proportion, there is a similar back lash on the right to bury their heads in the sand and deny everything. I don't think all the crap we (humans) have done to the earth since the Industrial Age has had no effect on climate.

I do agree with both of you, however, that Yellowstone is a scary possibility. I think we have less of a chance to deal with that scenario than we do with a giant asteroid/comet. Best thing you can do is live a good life and hope for the best.
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Post by aebfroman »

The world will end in about 5 billion years when the sun grows to a red giant and then explodes.
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Post by The Mastiff »

I'll just state that you are wrong about there having been a scientific consensus on a coming ice age. Then, as now, the press takes the most sensational ideas and runs with them, rather than reporting science seriously.
Have you done any research into the history of the earth's climate and the ice ages? I'm not talking about any recent developments, just standard teachings over the last 30 years or so.

There have been 5 known Ice ages. We are currently in an interglacial period of the Quaternary Ice Age .

The last glacial period ( what we here call the "wisconsin") ended about 11, 000 years ago, not counting "mini ice ages" like the one we are still coming out of in the last century according to some "deniers" http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news ... d338709fb1.

Forgetting for a minute about any influence from man another glaciation is to be expected some time in the future. We are still just in an interglacial period within the Quaternary Ice age after all. There is no reason to believe there will not be other Ice ages in the far future after the Quaternary is over.

Earth has seen climates from Simmering stews to snowball earths all before the arrival of man and civilization. To think man is a driving factor in earths climate history seems a bit bizarre to me. We are of no more consequence than one ant to the earth taking the long view.
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Post by HotSoup »

aebfroman wrote:The world will end in about 5 billion years when the sun grows to a red giant and then explodes.
Theres actually an 80% chance that a certain star (cannot remember its name right now) will pass through our solar system in about 21-23 million years.

If thats the case, Earth, along with the human race are gonna be fffrrrrieeeeeeeeeedddddd.

I'm not worried. Not gonna be here. :p
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Post by Gibsoniam »

From everything I've read about 2012, which is all over the net, it seems most probable to me that the end of the long count calendar wasn't meant to mark the end of the world, just the end of the particular cycle of 5000+ years that it was capable of tracking. Surely the uber spiritualist Mayans associated the end of that cycle as something significant, but there apparently isn't a lot of evidence that they believed life would be utterly obliterated from existance.
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Post by 2cha »

MikeG1P315 wrote:From everything I've read about 2012, which is all over the net, it seems most probable to me that the end of the long count calendar wasn't meant to mark the end of the world, just the end of the particular cycle of 5000+ years that it was capable of tracking. Surely the uber spiritualist Mayans associated the end of that cycle as something significant, but there apparently isn't a lot of evidence that they believed life would be utterly obliterated from existance.
I don't know, but the Peruvians predicted spyderco! (No butterflys :( )[ATTACH]14531[/ATTACH]
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Post by Gibsoniam »

2cha wrote:I don't know, but the Peruvians predicted spyderco! (No butterflys :( )[ATTACH]14531[/ATTACH]
Nice find!

Some time travelling, spyderco wielding adventurer may have visited them…
Mike :cool:

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