Dissappointed:( Please Read!!!!!

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Dissappointed:( Please Read!!!!!


Post by CKE »

So what else is it going to take?????
Ray has left, the OT forum here reads like the whine and cheese/political arena...etc.

I suggest or should I say...I ASK!!!! For the parties involved in the stich and bitc* to cool it out. I have not seen the forum like this in over a year. I will go out on a limb here and say this cause I am tired of the crap lately... :(

This is not just a US based forum, nor is Spyderco for that matter...read an Endura(Japan) or a Salsa(Taiwan) this is everywhere. Us Canucks are not going on and on about political unrest. I jsut use that as an example. Trust me...the whole world can see the US is divided. But please don't bring it here...I don't think I am the only one here tired ot the last few threads. We don't act like that here so why is it starting to feel like all the other forums here????

So here I am asking for this...how about no politics and religion and anything else controversial as you folks have proved you are unable to DISCUSS it in a civilized manner. Discussion is one thing but name calling and people leaving the forum...come on now! Ray if you are lurking...you should not feel you have to leave. I am not in any way blaming Allen for starting his thread either...I really don't care who said what...just give it a rest or at least take it else where.
Look at the Spyderco forum on BFC...you want that here?
I slept on this last night(I was going to post but was way to miffed) and have just been reading since the start and can't believe all of it, but this has got to stop. OT could be a thing of the past if we can't control ourselves. We pretty much self moderate here, I have seen two bannings(sp?) since I started(they were BAD) so I feel as the typical "peace keeper ;) " to just say we need to chill :) Rant over.....Take Care All :)

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Post by severedthumbs »

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Ditto + 2 cents


Post by spyderknut »

I'm with Craig. I'm fed up with the rants. Elections do this to us though. The election is over.
I think we all know that we have more in common than those opinions that divide us :) :spyder: :) . I'm relatively new here and I was really drawn into the support when Craig found out he was sick. Awesome support from all. It is that kind of positivity that knits this community together. I don't however begrudge an intelligent discussion of a controversial issue. Some of the posts on these political threads were informative, entertaining and quite civil.
I would think it is the moderator's job to step in when things get ugly. Hopefully we can keep things from escalating to ugly.
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Post by UK KEN »


I tend to agree! Though the OT section has been provided for our benefit I feel that people are more frequently using it to "vent their spleen". People who have strong political views will never agree and it is easy to become embroiled in a battle of words. What starts off as reasonable debate can swiftly turn into heated argument, no one wins in this situation, and it can only cause ill feeling.

There have been occasions in the past where members have complained about the amount of OT posts there have been. I was one of those who said "if you aren't interested don't read them" but when I see members actually leaving the forum due to these posts I feel it's time for action.

I feel that it is time to ask ourselves why we visit this site. I come here to learn about :spyder: , and to talk to other collectors and users. There are many other sites available to debate politics, religion and conflicts around the world; I feel that this would be a happier site without these emotive posts.

Just my 2c

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I agree with Craig


Post by garrett »

I'll stop if everyone else will. :)

PS: I never knew the Spyderco forums at BFC was this bad

I actually have all the Spydercos I want. Isn't that wierd? On second though, no I don't...
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Post by Ted »

agreed! political battle's can be fought elsewhere!

I like the OT threads about flashlight, what Simona should do with her hair and that kind of stuff much more!
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Post by The Deacon »

Craig, agree with you 100%. Perhaps I'm a coward, but there are some threads that, after reading the title, I have chosen not bother opening, and others to which, after one brief visit, I have never returned. That may not be the best answer for everyone, but it works for me.
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Post by voxnaes »

Hmmmmm..... Well since it´s called OFF-Topic forum, shouldn´t you be able to post your topic even if some might not agree with you? It´s sad that someone needs to leave because of flaming or namecalling but we used to help each other out when things got too HOT :( I remember the first time I got "punched" over a joke that wasn´t really funny :rolleyes: S&W steped in and got things back on track :)
I would hate it if some moderator was needed to stop posts about politics, religion or flyfishing etc...well actually the flyfishing band might be ok ;) Let´s just try and behave and help each other out.
Have a GREAT day,


Post by loki88 »

I agree :D


Post by loki88 »

Hey have u guys seen Simona's new tattoo on BFC? ..... couldn't resist. There is nothing a good dose of humor and self relativation can't fix :D
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Post by Senate »

I agree too, politics and religion are the two topics dividing the world so it's pretty normal that they will divide this forum, let's keep them out of here!
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Post by vampyrewolf »

[rant on]
As much as I enjoy reading opinions about every single topic there is, I see enough of politics and religion in the news to not need it online every time I hit a forum. Yes, freedom of speech allows you to say what you want about it... and Yes, free will allows us to not read what we don't want to.

I wouldn't be pleased if this forum turns out like BFC as a whole, with opinions alone being the reason we lose members. We have been self moderating here as a general rule, with Carlos and Joyce stepping in if one of us steps out of line. I have found this forum to behave more like a coffee shop for discussion than a bar, with intelligent thought prevoking topics rather than lewd behavior. I would rather have it stay like that than fall apart around us with back stabbing among members.

I have seen this same behavior back in High school, among the grade 9 and 10 children. Chest out, head high, like they have something to prove. GET OVER WITH IT. Act like the adults we are, and try intelligent discussion about common topics.
As a world wide forum, that means we don't need to hear a month straight on politics on a single issue. If you get me going I myself can go for hours on why communist behavior is similar to liberal behavior... or why facist behavior is similar to dictatorship which is similar to the way the USA seems to be run. Or how about segregation of african americans in the past is similar to the way we are treating homosexuals today. Do I start discussions about it on the forums, simply to see who agrees and dissagrees?

Feel free to contact me about anything I'm ranting about, I'll be more than happy to speak my mind.
[/rant off]
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Vamp is right.


Post by Ray.Hood »

Coffee shop,yes, bar, no. Haven't been to a bar in a long time.Don't drink any more. Sorry if I caused any dissention in the ranks guys and gals. :spyder:


Post by loki88 »

One "Latte" please? :)
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Post by java »

What did I miss??? :confused:

[/RANT]I guess I'm guilty of this too, but quoting Vox, This Is Off Topic. The previous edition of the Spydie Forum was more confining in scope and the OT posts grew like a weed. There were several posts discussing this and the consensus then was we need the OT posts. You didn't want to confine the OT posts then. Sal and Co. constructed the current Forum based on inputs and what they read on the Forum. The Off Topic forum grew from your expressed wants. Now we are confining it???

We all bring our unique views here. I have learned much from many of you here in the US and from so many of you in far flung places across the globe. I respect each of your lifestyles and viewpoints and believe it is only through open dialogues that we bridge our differences and grow rich in appreciation of each other. We may agree disagree or simply choose to ignore any of these posts. It's called choice. This is like the agruments over censoring TV. We all have power over that damned remote - not the reverse. If we cross the line of respect and social standards; we have and will continue to express our disapproval. But we do it in acceptable ways and respect opposing viewpoints. That's what made this forum respectable enough that Sal left hasn't seen the need for full time moderation here.

Regarding controversial subjects: We share a common Spydie bond and I have always felt that as we celebrate our commonality here, we have also rejoice in our diversity. That which affects us, that which we feel strongly about can be expressed coherently, even when you are diametrically opposed, when it is done with respect for the other person and his viewpoint. To feel strongly and have your views challenged makes each better if you can hold your beliefs up to public scrutiny, have them challenged, and walk away having gained knowledge. You are either stronger in your beliefs having reaffirmed them or you learn to change but you have gained valuable insight when you let others freely express and listen to what they have to say.

But there is a point when you have to put your foot down. I will not tolerate ad hominin attacks. I will not tolerate racist or pedjudice viewpoints (whether against a people, country, or religeon). I will not tolerate hate of any species in any posts. But I will also not tell someone to not discuss something that is important to them as long as it is keep within the agreed to limits of personal respect herein.

We have personal private messages here on the CP. We have the option to e-mail people. Use them when someone is out of line and try to speak encouragingly to effect a behavoral change for the better. If all else fails, an appeal to the Forum Moderators is most in order.

We got what we asked for here on the Forum. If you want to vote on confining what we say or do here then do so. I will abide by whatever is agreed to. But I feel the road to censorship is fraught with pitfalls, further disagreement, and leads to stagnation of a vibrant and open forum. Chose life. Chose learning. [/RANT]

On that note, Please bring back the MBC forum! Please?! :D

Now I must go study for my Mid-terms.

Aaaargh!!!! Look there. Ya let java go off and rant so bad he didn't order the blessed elixir!!! :eek: :mad: Whose buyin' anyway??? Make mine a double-triple shot breve!
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One latte comin up.


Post by Ray.Hood »

Just kidding.
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To Sum it all up


Post by JD Spydo »

I know I don't know the situation that has been spoken of here. But I do indeed catch the drift. To sum it all up I will say this. Politics here in the U.S. is a complete joke. It is very similar to WWF or WWE wrestling on TV. You got one person claiming to be the good guy ( conservative) and one person claiming to be the bad ( liberal). If you want to know the painful truth it is just a fake as TV wrestling without the comical entertainment value. These people ( if that's what you want to call them) don't care any more about any of us than they do a dead skunk laying along the road. They are all pretty much a bunch of criminals cutting up a jackpot ( our tax dollars) and figuring ways to scam us out of more of it. Since I was a kid I have seen nothing but the entire governmental structure go steadily down. We have all been hood-winked, ripped off, and to some extent made slaves of a depraved system. I love this country but I fear this government no matter which flavor of whore they have in there. I am fairly new to the Forum and I don't know this guy that is leaving but I wish he would come back. Our differences of opinions is one thing that makes this land and it's people ( excluding the politicians) great. I want to thank all of you for hearing me. JD Spydo
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Post by 4 s ter »

Personally, I get too much from the on-topic posts here to let any of the off-topic nonsense run me off. I find it easier to just ignore some posts than to invest any emotional energy getting involved in some discussions. Politics and religion are just two of the subjects that I try to avoid on knife forums - opinions are too polarized, firmly held and emotionally charged.

There, I just expended this month's quota of off-topic emotional energy :D


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Post by Stevie Ray »

Guys ... I went back and reread all the comments in the various posts ... It looked like healthy discussion to me .. The name calling consisted of some pretty minor stuff ... (IMHO) ... I've been called "sodbuster" on the golf course ..... It fits my game well ... :D Anyway ..., I think we're a pretty civil and respectful crowd overall ... Even with an election going on and all the discussion that has followed ..., I think we're pretty tame ...

I do appreciate the comments from those that don't like it, but afterall, this is the OT Forum. I'm OK with what I've seen so far ..

Anyway .. my 2 cents ...
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Post by ken »

I can't agree with you CKE.

Maybe the reason Ray.Hood left was to ge a "Reality Check" like he thinks others need. If he left because of some OT thread Than what does that say about this individual?

Your right about politics and religion but if you get inflamed by reading this stuff than don't open it----move on. I really can't figure out why "some" really have a problem with this, after all ot is "OT". The whole thing would end if it wasn't responded to.

If this so called hateful thread needed to be closed than the forum moderator would have done so! It really is none of our business to tell him which threads to close and which are OK. You see what gives you problems dosen't bug me and what bug's me probably doesn't pay you any mind.

If what I said is not politically correct, well that is just the way I am. And people can judge me by that. But my good friends judge me for myself and not what I might say.

A good song by the Eagles- "Get Over It" and many need to.

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