Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


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The Mastiff
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by The Mastiff »

Some of those "experts' really blather nonsense. The eyglasses girl talking about "house manifesting" is a prime example. It is either a human ( with receding hairline) or a nonhuman/demonic. Humans and the idea of human ghosts do not cause me fear. No human scares me. Why would a human ghost?

I had a catholic priest teacher/ official catholic canon class on demonic ( I stress not the exorcist course they give) manifestations, oppression and possessions. It's pretty eye opening. It is not like on TV or the movies at all. A demon can know your family history and ancestors, and more importantly your sins with a look at you. They know the future. They have telekinetic and telepathic powers and can do a lot of parlor tricks like levitation of people/objects. The church does investigations of every claim including medical and psychiatric screenings before deciding. Only then will they look for the signs of true demonic involvement which can't be faked . They have tricks to weed out fakers who scream "I'm possessed" the same way psychiatrists do to weed out the fakers. In this case it's stuff that can not be duplicated or faked by mortals. My advice?, stay away from dark magic and demonic stuff. I do not allow spirit boards in the house and back when my son was staying here if he was dating wiki/witches I'd personally tell them they couldn't bring their gear/altars/etc. into my house. It wasn't because it was just different from my white/christian upbringing either. :)
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Thanks for sharing, Joe!

I totally agree about some of those "experts." TBH, I feel that the term "paranormal expert" is an oxymoron, as IMO there aren't any true experts in the field. Only some who may be more knowledgeable than others. Then there are many who only parrot whatever they've heard, or whatever conforms to their belief systems.

I wouldn't even allow a ouija board anywhere near my house. People think it's only a game, but it opens doorways, and usually the things that come through aren't the good types.

I have never feared human ghosts. Although I cannot in all honesty pretend to explain what a "human ghost" is; if it's really that person's essence trapped or stuck, only a leftover emotional or mental imprint, a peek into another dimension or time, or any number of other possible things. And I've had experiences off and on since the 1960s. I don't engage them, either. Because there are spirit mimics.

I'm no "expert," but I believe there are many, many different types of nonphysical and/or semiphysical beings that various cultures have names for (and some they don't) that share this world with us, that go far beyond the typical beliefs limited to only ghosts and demons.

I have had angelic experiences, and encounters with other genuinely positive spirit beings, though. It's powerful and unmistakable when it happens. One such encounter in 1995 was the catalyst that started me towards the process of overcoming the depression I'd experienced since my teens. It still took several more years to overcome the depression, but that experience was what initially started me on the road to healing.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by MacLaren »

The Mastiff wrote:
Fri Sep 17, 2021 6:18 pm
Some of those "experts' really blather nonsense. The eyglasses girl talking about "house manifesting" is a prime example. It is either a human ( with receding hairline) or a nonhuman/demonic. Humans and the idea of human ghosts do not cause me fear. No human scares me. Why would a human ghost?

I had a catholic priest teacher/ official catholic canon class on demonic ( I stress not the exorcist course they give) manifestations, oppression and possessions. It's pretty eye opening. It is not like on TV or the movies at all. A demon can know your family history and ancestors, and more importantly your sins with a look at you. They know the future. They have telekinetic and telepathic powers and can do a lot of parlor tricks like levitation of people/objects. The church does investigations of every claim including medical and psychiatric screenings before deciding. Only then will they look for the signs of true demonic involvement which can't be faked . They have tricks to weed out fakers who scream "I'm possessed" the same way psychiatrists do to weed out the fakers. In this case it's stuff that can not be duplicated or faked by mortals. My advice?, stay away from dark magic and demonic stuff. I do not allow spirit boards in the house and back when my son was staying here if he was dating wiki/witches I'd personally tell them they couldn't bring their gear/altars/etc. into my house. It wasn't because it was just different from my white/christian upbringing either. :)
+1 and, I would add that I don't mess with psychics either. I don't even watch those shows like long Island psychic or whatever it was.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Pyramid Mound “Dogman” Encounter

“Dark Waters” is one of the best storytellers of true, personally vetted paranormal stories on YouTube. I used to listen to his stuff a lot until a few years ago, when he took his content off of YouTube and only put it on his website. I just discovered that he’s started posting content again for free on YouTube. Unlike many (most?) of the storytellers on YouTube, “Dark Waters” has had many personal experiences of the paranormal. He is also extremely picky about whose stories he shares, and often meets the people whose accounts he shares in person when possible (he lives in New Orleans), or at least speaks with them multiple times, to separate the true stories from BS. As a result, he is one of the most reputable in the field of paranormal encounters stories.

The giant dogs in the story sound more like “hellhounds” than “dogmen.”

The story begins from about 30 seconds in:


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by The Mastiff »

+1 and, I would add that I don't mess with psychics either. I don't even watch those shows like long Island psychic or whatever it was.
Me too. I'll add tarot cards, seances, divination and pretty much all that stuff. I don't think that if you go to a tarot reading an inhuman being will come to visit you automatically but I figure I just will stay in my lane and get where I'm going my own way. Slow but steady :smlling-eyes

Jim, I watch a lot of the same things you do. Just the other day my sister in law told me I have too much free time. I didn't disagree. :neutral
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

The Mastiff wrote:
Sat Sep 18, 2021 11:49 am
Jim, I watch a lot of the same things you do. Just the other day my sister in law told me I have too much free time. I didn't disagree. :neutral

Are you saying that I have too much free time, too? 🤨 😃

I’ll be truthful here and say that I practice non-touch energy healing modalities, which I offered alongside my services as a licensed therapeutic massage therapist (pre-Covid). Now I concentrate on the former, even though I continue to maintain my national and state massage certifications. Energy healing can be administered non-locally, whether someone believes it or not. My clients and I have only had positive experiences from it, nothing negative or evil, and I’ve been involved in energy work for more than 16 years. I’ve had a few clients (who do not know each other) tell me DURING the energy healing sessions that they either saw or sensed other, benign beings in the room. And they weren’t all “New Agey” types, either. One was a young guy I knew from a “hood” background who wanted to give it a try. And I never tell clients anything about what might happen, to avoid building up any preconceived expectations in the client. Those types of reports are very rare, though, but they do happen occasionally.

I DO avoid things like witchcraft, seances, etc., not because I necessarily think it’s all inherently evil. As with anything, it is your intent or lack of knowledge that makes it positive or negative. I just don’t mess with certain things.

I do what I do because I know my modalities are positive, and they work. They’ve worked for clients and for myself. If admitting to practicing some modalities that lie outside of orthodox acceptance lessens my credibility in the eyes of anybody here, or they think I'm a crackpot because they don’t understand or don’t believe that it’s real, then so be it. I can only be true to who I am. It doesn’t make me any better, or any more special, or any worse than anybody else.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by The Mastiff »

Are you saying that I have too much free time, too?
Jim, at our age and with what we have been through we have earned the right to do as we see fit. :cheap-sunglasses

I honestly don't know anything about non-touch energy healing modalities except what I read so I don't want to pretend I do but if it really works like the people say it does it should be more available.

I tried acupuncture and acupressure and had mixed results. The acupuncture with electricity amazed me. Some points felt like a nice soft shower of water while a few felt like someone hammering a finishing nail into my skull. It was a shame I had neither the time nor the money to continue the treatments to clear the blockages and free the energy.

There are a bunch of things we seem to be relearning . Some have merit while some can be left behind because we have things like antibiotics. All should be looked at with open minds. Our ancestors had the same brain structures and intelligence levels as we do now. In some ways they had better physical abilities. On that note it saddens me to see how many adolescents and teens are showing signs of obesity . That just wasn't common even when our generation was young.
JD Spydo
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by JD Spydo »

James Y wrote:
Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:13 am
JD Spydo wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:00 pm
Doc Dan wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:05 pm
Since we know space-time has holes in it, I tend to think that when people see "ghosts" they are often seeing what really was in the past through a hole in said space-time.
I've heard of that concept of "Parallel Time" before. At one time it was even a very popular belief among people who claimed to believe in the "Paranormal" dimension.

I personally had a UFO encounter many, many years ago. It was on a clear September evening in the year 1976. We were on the back deck of a good friend's house when we witnessed a really strange sighting in the southern horizon. There were 8 of us at my friends new house he was building east of Lone Jack, MO ( a super popular Civil War Battle site on the National Register). It was a very clear and warm Autumn evening and it was just starting to get really dark after the dusk hour and we were chatting and listening to good music waiting for our friend to get home from work.

On the south horizon two of the girls with us noticed that there was a set of 4 lit up objects moving westward on the southern horizon. The 4 craft we saw were perfectly spaced between each other and they seemed to be traveling westward >> they would stop and then start moving again. When one of the objects moved they all moved in sequence. Then after watching them in a still position for about 5 minutes they all started moving to the right ( westward) and when each one of them arrived at a certain point in space they all simultaneously disappeared one right after the other.

As I said there were 8 of us that witnessed this event and we were all sober as a judge ( no body had gotten any beer yet). Out of the 8 of us who witnessed this most confusing of UFO sightings there are still 3 of the guys that were there that evening that I still see and talk to every now and then. And to this day and this many years later we all still talk about it every time we meet up and we all still agree that what we saw wasn't anything of this world. Or at least it didn't seem to be any military type craft or anything else I could explain it with. It was just flat out creepy is the only way I can describe it. Over the past 40 years I've only ever heard of one other UFO sighting that people said that was similar to our sighting in the fall of 1976.

Thanks for sharing this, Joe! Did they look like possibly part of one bigger object, or four separate objects? Meaning, when you say they moved in sequence, did they move one at a time, or all together simultaneously?

Yeah all four of the objects or craft moved in perfect tandem with each other. It was so spooky when they all got to a point in Space where they all simultaneously disappeared when they arrived at that certain point. Again there were 8 of us
who witnessed it and all 8 of us agreed on what we saw in Sept of 1976. It was not like any UFO type sighting that I had ever heard about before. And it was years before I heard anyone else give a similar testimony as ours. I would say it was around 1997 on the old Art Bell Show that a guy called up and gave a very similar testimony as I just gave you all.

And I'm not a big UFO enthusiast by any means but I do know for a fact that there are all kinds of unidentified craft that have been witnessed by very credible people. I've talked to too many very honest people over the years that have given me their astounding testimonies. There is something going on in that realm for sure. And now finally the government half way admits to it. They even give it a new acronym "UAP" ( unidentified aerial phenomenon)

This has been an interesting thread and I'm going to try to go over all the testimonies here. I'm now also a firm believer that there are also other dimensions. I do believe that most of the bigfoot sightings and other cryptids are interdimensional creatures. Even the Bible supports the fact that angels are from another dimension. That explains why when they look for bigfoot any other creatures of that type they can't get a body or find out where they live, breed and have their young. I've personally never seen a bigfoot or any other cryptid creature myself but I've talked to way too many honest people even here in Missouri who have seen them all over the USA. Sure a lot of people make up lies but as many credible people that I've spoken with over the years I can't help but believe that something is going on.
Last edited by JD Spydo on Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
James Y
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Joe/the Mastiff,

I really agree about the obesity rates. Back when I was a kid, there just were not many overweight kids. I know this sounds a bit insensitive, but there was usually not more than one or two fat kids in my grade in a given year. Now it's so common.

A friend of mine is a CA-certified acupuncturist. He went through a very extensive program through PCOM ( Pacific College of Oriental Medicine), which is at least equivalent in difficulty to studying to become a conventional doctor. They also have to know enough about Western medicine to know when a patient's issue or condition is beyond the help of acupuncture and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). Eastern and Western don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I used to occasionally get $25 acupuncture treatments. There is a place near me run by PCOM graduates who only charge that much because you sit on a recliner fully clothed in a communal room. Sometimes I'd go for a treatment or two if my hands had any tendinitis from doing too much massage therapy. Yeah, occasionally the needles can sting going in more than other times. I wonder if there are any such less-expensive (but certified) acupuncture places near you that might be more affordable for you?

James Y
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

JD Spydo wrote:
Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:52 pm
James Y wrote:
Tue Sep 14, 2021 9:13 am
JD Spydo wrote:
Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:00 pm
Doc Dan wrote:
Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:05 pm
Since we know space-time has holes in it, I tend to think that when people see "ghosts" they are often seeing what really was in the past through a hole in said space-time.
I've heard of that concept of "Parallel Time" before. At one time it was even a very popular belief among people who claimed to believe in the "Paranormal" dimension.

I personally had a UFO encounter many, many years ago. It was on a clear September evening in the year 1976. We were on the back deck of a good friend's house when we witnessed a really strange sighting in the southern horizon. There were 8 of us at my friends new house he was building east of Lone Jack, MO ( a super popular Civil War Battle site on the National Register). It was a very clear and warm Autumn evening and it was just starting to get really dark after the dusk hour and we were chatting and listening to good music waiting for our friend to get home from work.

On the south horizon two of the girls with us noticed that there was a set of 4 lit up objects moving westward on the southern horizon. The 4 craft we saw were perfectly spaced between each other and they seemed to be traveling westward >> they would stop and then start moving again. When one of the objects moved they all moved in sequence. Then after watching them in a still position for about 5 minutes they all started moving to the right ( westward) and when each one of them arrived at a certain point in space they all simultaneously disappeared one right after the other.

As I said there were 8 of us that witnessed this event and we were all sober as a judge ( no body had gotten any beer yet). Out of the 8 of us who witnessed this most confusing of UFO sightings there are still 3 of the guys that were there that evening that I still see and talk to every now and then. And to this day and this many years later we all still talk about it every time we meet up and we all still agree that what we saw wasn't anything of this world. Or at least it didn't seem to be any military type craft or anything else I could explain it with. It was just flat out creepy is the only way I can describe it. Over the past 40 years I've only ever heard of one other UFO sighting that people said that was similar to our sighting in the fall of 1976.

Thanks for sharing this, Joe! Did they look like possibly part of one bigger object, or four separate objects? Meaning, when you say they moved in sequence, did they move one at a time, or all together simultaneously?

Yeah all four of the objects or craft moved in perfect tandem with each other. It was so spooky when they all got to a point in Space where they all simultaneously disappeared when they arrived at that certain point. Again there were 8 of us
who witnessed it and all 8 of us agreed on what we saw in Sept of 1976. It was not like any UFO type sighting that I had ever heard about before. And it was years before I heard anyone else give a similar testimony as ours. I would say it was around 1997 on the old Art Bell Show that a guy called up and gave a very similar testimony as I just gave you all.

And I'm not a big UFO enthusiast by any means but I do know for a fact that there are all kinds of unidentified craft that have been witnessed by very credible people. I've talked to too many very honest people over the years that have given me their astounding testimonies. There is something going on in that realm for sure. And now finally the government half way admits to it. They even give it a new acronym "UAP" ( unidentified aerial phenomenon)

This has been an interesting thread and I'm going to try to go over all the testimonies here. I'm now also a firm believer that there are also other dimensions. I do believe that most of the bigfoot sightings and other cryptids are interdimensional creatures. Even the Bible supports the fact that angels are from another dimension. That explains why when they look for bigfoot any other creatures of that type they can't get a body or find out where they live, breed and have their young. I've personally never seen a bigfoot or any other cryptid creature myself but I've talked to way too many honest people even here in Missouri who have seen them all over the USA. Sure a lot of people make up lies but as many credible people that I've spoken with over the years I can't help but believe that something is going on.

Joe, thank you for going into further detail. Yeah, the government/military seems more and more to be confirming the reality of unexplainable UFOs. I'm not really a " UFO enthusiast" myself, probably because I've always taken for granted that there are other lifeforms out there.

I actually suspect that many of the stranger UFOs people see and have filmed ( pulsing, amoeba-like, and/or shapeshifting) are actually lifeforms, and not alien craft. Or possibly even aerial portals. I also suspect that many UFOs are not from other planets or outer space, but are possibly from other dimensions or frequencies originating right here on earth.

Last edited by James Y on Sun Sep 19, 2021 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
JD Spydo
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by JD Spydo »

James Y wrote:
Sun Sep 19, 2021 12:58 pm
Joe/the Mastiff,

I really agree about the obesity rates. Back when I was a kid, there just were not many overweight kids. I know this sounds a bit insensitive, but there was usually not more than one or two fat kids in my grade in a given year. Now it's so common.

A friend of mine is a CA-certified acupuncturist. He went through a very extensive program through PCOM ( Pacific College of Oriental Medicine), which is at least equivalent in difficulty to studying to become a conventional doctor. They also have to know enough about Western medicine to know when a patient's issue or condition is beyond the help of acupuncture and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine). Eastern and Western don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I used to occasionally get $25 acupuncture treatments. There is a place near me run by PCOM graduates who only charge that much because you sit on a recliner fully clothed in a communal room. Sometimes I'd go for a treatment or two if my hands had any tendinitis from doing too much massage therapy. Yeah, occasionally the needles can sting going in more than other times. I wonder if there are any such less-expensive (but certified) acupuncture places near you that might be more affordable for you?

They raise all these kids on trash food cooked in these God forsaken microwave ovens that destroy any nutrients that the food might have. Not to mention all the sugar based foods and all the artificial ingredients, aspertame and many other poison, junk foods that they feed these poor kids.

Not to mention that kids no longer ride bikes, play baseball or football or engage in any athletic activities. I walk a lot for my health each day and I hardly ever see any kids riding bikes or walking anywhere. Heck when I was a kid I walked everywhere until I was old enough to buy a car. And even in our neighborhoods all of us kids were having basketball, football and baseball games in the neighborhood.

People are just raising their kids to be cell phone addicted slugs anymore. Not to mention most of them being horribly addicted to computer games. It's a completely different time we now live in. And parents in this day and age are largely responsible for obese kids and kids being addicted to junk food, cell phones and computer games. It doesn't take a detective to figure all of this out. I hardly ever see any kid so much as eat a vegetable for crying out loud. It's a miracle that any of these cell phone/junk food addicted kids live past age 30.
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »


I agree with much of what you said.

However, I do see kids around here who are active. Not as constantly active outside as we were as kids, but active nonetheless, at least for brief periods. It could be a regional thing, too. Where I am there are beaches, skate parks, etc., so there are a lot of kids and young people who are into those things. Also, to be fair, I didn’t like eating vegetables as a kid, either. I grew up and began to like them, but I would imagine that most kids then and now would rather have potato chips or fries as their daily servings of vegetables.

As far as the tech addictions, I do agree, but that’s another topic.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

A Classmate’s Reaction

This incident happened in around 2006 or so, not long before I graduated from the 2-year massage program at IPSB (International Professional School of Bodywork, which had been around for 40 years, but unfortunately closed in 2016). The program required exposure to and training in a wide variety of modalities, and the category I was participating in in this story was called Asian Healing Modalities. This class had teachers from a few different modalities teaching their methods.

The method that was being taught this day is called Jin Shin, a Japanese healing touch method. I went on to practice the method seriously for a year or more, but eventually gave it up in favor of non-touch energy healing methods, which in my experience, require far less effort, because Jin Shin requires simultaneous touching of different points on the body. But on this day, the students were paired off in the large room, with half the students lying on massage tables, fully clothed and face up, and the other half practicing giving Jin Shin treatments.

I was paired off with a young Asian woman. As I was giving the treatment, her eyes were closed, but I noticed an expression of discomfort on her face, and a subtle feeling of her ‘pulling away’ from my touch. It was subtle, but noticeable. I wasn’t quite sure what to do; was she reliving in her mind some past trauma around touch? Was there something about ME that repelled her? Did I have BO or something?

As soon as the practice session was done, she shot up off the table without saying a word to me, and went straight to the teacher, who was an older woman, asking to speak to her privately. It was break time, anyway. Although she wanted to speak to the teacher in private, I wanted to eavesdrop. After all, I had a right to know if she thought something was wrong with me, or if she was going to accuse me of somehow being inappropriate with her. She and the teacher went into a small adjoining room, but the door was left open, and I stood near the doorway to listen.

She told the teacher that during the treatment, she saw an EXTREMELY tall woman in a long white robe standing on one side of her, who was so bright that she could barely even look at her. She said that I was on the other side of the table working on her, and she could hear this gigantic tall woman and me communicating back and forth WITH OUR MINDS, in a weird language she couldn’t understand. Keep in mind, her eyes had been closed during the entire practice session.

The teacher calmly tried to reassure her, and said that the tall woman was probably a guardian angel or spirit guide, either hers or mine, guiding me during the session. And that the part of me that had been communicating with the tall woman was my higher self that even I was not consciously aware of. The girl did not seem reassured, though, and was acting worried; clearly, this being she claimed to have seen terrified her, not to mention I was allegedly communicating with it telepathically in some incomprehensible language.

After that, this young woman actively avoided me during the remainder of that class; she stayed as far away from me as possible, and always kept her eyes averted away from me.

Had she been making this up and projecting some past traumatic experience involving another man on to me? Had she hallucinated or dreamed it? Or had a part of her consciousness temporarily opened up to see into the nonphysical plane during the treatment? If so, it was clearly an experience she was completely unfamiliar with and had not been expecting. I hadn’t known whether to feel insulted by this girl, or feel proud that I had possibly been in subconscious communication with a higher-level spiritual being.

Later, I asked the teacher privately what the problem had been about (even though I had already eavesdropped), and asked if the girl had had a problem with me. The teacher said no, and repeated what she had told the girl; that this extremely tall and brightly-lit woman the girl claimed she had seen had probably been guiding me during the practice treatment, but that the experience had just frightened the girl.

Now, I could probably dismiss this incident as a young woman who had issues with men, or just didn’t like something about me, if it had been a one-off. But similar things happened later, with clients receiving non-touch energy healing modalities from me. Their eyes would be closed, yet they would claim to be sensing or even seeing other beings in the room; on some occasions, multiple beings. And some would give descriptions of the beings. None matched the description of the “extremely tall, extremely bright” woman in the white robe, but they claimed to similarly see them with their eyes closed. Unlike the girl in the class, though, none of these clients had been afraid at all. One woman was in tears, because she claimed to have seen an angel and felt the pure compassion and unconditional love emanating from it. Like I mentioned a few posts back, these types of occurrences are very rare.

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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by The Mastiff »

That is a pretty amazing incident Jim.
Yeah, occasionally the needles can sting going in more than other times
It was the electric current attached to the needles that had that effect. They were adjustable voltage with dials on a machine. He explained that where I had pain the chi was blocked.

I don't have a lot of extra money lying around to go back to such treatments. Most of my stuff is worn out joints or injured and squashed/deflated discs in both cervical and lumbar spine. Treating pain is one thing but they need surgery . I've had 4 so far but need at least that many more.

When I was a kid by the time I graduated high school I probably could count the number of times I had fast food on one hand. It was something I just didn't do. Not even when out with the guys. A handful of Doritos with a beer was about the worst it got for me. I had trouble keeping my weight up even through boot camp at 19. Good food but it just never seemed enough.

I doubt my son has gone hungry for more than a few hours in his life. He cooks well now but when he was 19 through probably 25 he and his friends ate take out food every day. I wonder if these young generations will live as long as their parents generation.
James Y
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

The Mastiff wrote:
Tue Sep 21, 2021 7:31 am
That is a pretty amazing incident Jim.
Yeah, occasionally the needles can sting going in more than other times
It was the electric current attached to the needles that had that effect. They were adjustable voltage with dials on a machine. He explained that where I had pain the chi was blocked.

I don't have a lot of extra money lying around to go back to such treatments. Most of my stuff is worn out joints or injured and squashed/deflated discs in both cervical and lumbar spine. Treating pain is one thing but they need surgery . I've had 4 so far but need at least that many more.

When I was a kid by the time I graduated high school I probably could count the number of times I had fast food on one hand. It was something I just didn't do. Not even when out with the guys. A handful of Doritos with a beer was about the worst it got for me. I had trouble keeping my weight up even through boot camp at 19. Good food but it just never seemed enough.

I doubt my son has gone hungry for more than a few hours in his life. He cooks well now but when he was 19 through probably 25 he and his friends ate take out food every day. I wonder if these young generations will live as long as their parents generation.

I’m sorry to hear about your challenges. Hopefully you’ll be able to experience real relief with the best outcome sooner than later. Four surgeries so far? Wow. My brother had back surgery…once…several years ago, and that was challenging enough.

I’ve never received acupuncture with electrical current. Only the needles themselves.

I used to eat fast food. McDonald’s, Jack in the Box, Carl’s Jr. Not all the time, but sometimes weekly. Back then, I could eat two Big Macs, some fries and a large shake at one sitting, and not gain any weight or fat at all. Then when I lived overseas, when I had to fly out of Taiwan every six months for my visa stamp, I went to Hong Kong, and while staying there a couple days at a time, I only ate McDonald’s, because I was worried about getting food poisoning anywhere else in HK. Which is ironic, because on one of my visa trips, right before catching a cab to the airport to fly back to Taiwan, I had breakfast at a McDonald’s and got food poisoning from it, which made me nauseous and throw up about 90 minutes after having eaten. Not a pleasant thing at any time, but particularly hellish when you had to catch a flight, land, go through customs again, catch the airport bus from Taoyuan to Taipei (over 20 miles, IIRC), catch connecting buses back to my place, with my travel stuff, at around rush hour time. I had to use barf bags twice; once on takeoff from Hong Kong, and once as the plane was descending in Taiwan. Luckily, that particular JAL flight had only been partially full. That put me off McDonald’s for any subsequent visa trips to HK.


Happily, I gave up on fast food a loooong time ago.

Last edited by James Y on Tue Sep 21, 2021 4:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
James Y
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Dark Waters Shares Personal Encounters: “12 Foot Tall Shadowman”

As we all know, most accounts of the paranormal deal with the dark side. As I’ve shown in some of my own personal accounts so far, not all paranormal experiences deal with ‘dark forces.’ However, I do believe that for most people, dark and scary sells. Most people are more fascinated with hearing about evil spirits and in being scared. And TBH, some people who experience the paranormal experience mostly dark forces, because that is their interest and what they pursue. They see everything paranormal-related as scary or evil. Or perhaps some partake in certain activities that open them up to negative forces. If you focus enough on the dark side, and/or if you are generally ruled by fear, dark things are what you will attract into your personal experience.

That said, I do enjoy hearing true accounts of others, including the creepy ones. I had forgotten just how good a storyteller “Dark Waters” is. And I believe his personal accounts, because he is a no-BS type of guy.


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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Two videos dealing with “Dogman.”

In the first video, Dark Waters reads the stories of others’ encounters with “Dogman” creatures.

In the second video, Dark Waters actually meets with the man whose encounter was the first story in the first video. And he takes Dark Waters to the actual location of his encounter.



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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events



James Y wrote:
Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:56 am

That literally gave me goosebumps!

I would be moving immediately!
40 Spyderco knives in 11 different steels,
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James Y
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Re: Unusual, and/or Paranormal Events


Post by James Y »

Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:30 am
James Y wrote:
Fri Sep 17, 2021 11:56 am

That literally gave me goosebumps!

I would be moving immediately!

Yeah, that would be creepy AF. Its eyes look like a skull's eye sockets.

One potential problem of just moving away would be if whatever it is had formed an attachment to the homeowner, or somebody else in the household, as opposed to the house. If that were the case, it could just follow them to their new location.

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