Knife Rights' Oklahoma Knife Bills Pass - CALL & EMAIL Governor TODAY!

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Knife Rights' Oklahoma Knife Bills Pass - CALL & EMAIL Governor TODAY!


Post by critter »

Knife Rights' requested Knife Law Preemption bill, HB 1460, and Knife Rights' Switchblade Ban Repeal bill, HB 1911, have both passed the Senate, by votes of 44-1 and 43-0, respectively. HB 1911 now goes to Governor Mary Fallin, while HB 1460 is going back to the House for what we expect to be a quick concurrence vote on an amendment that the Senate included which allows schools to regulate possession of knives on school grounds.

If you live, work or travel in Oklahoma, CALL or EMAIL Governor Fallin and ask her to please sign HB 1911. Phone: (405) 521-2342 or Click here to Email the Governor

Whether writing or calling, all that is necessary is to simply ask her to please sign HB 1911. That's it, keep it short and to the point.

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